How remote inspection robots reduce downtime

How remote inspection robots reduce downtime

By Scott Simmie


Inspection robots aren’t cheap.

We fully acknowledge that might not be the best opening pitch, but hear us out.

While a capable inspection robot can be costly, so is downtime. So is dispatching human beings to distant locations. Electrical substations and certain oil and gas assets are often remote and require many hours of driving to reach – plus the cost of hotels and per diems. Sometimes, companies even have to charter a helicopter just to place eyes on those remote spots. Depending on the sector, these inspections might take place monthly, bi-weekly – or at some other interval.

Point is: Regular inspection of remote assets is an absolute necessity. An inspection can troubleshoot for regular wear and tear, thermal anomalies, damage from animals, vandalism, environmental impact, leaks – the list goes on. A human being (often equipped with handheld scanners and other detection equipment) can generally spot all these things.

But so, too, can a robot. And, unlike a human being when it comes to remote assets, an autonomous robotic inspector can be on the site 24/7. It never requests a hotel room, doesn’t charge overtime – and never forgets to do everything its been instructed to carry out.

Below: The InDro Robotics Sentinel, at an electrical substation in Ottawa

Sentinel enclosure Ottawa Hydro



There are two types of downtime: Planned and unplanned. The former, obviously, is pre-arranged. Maybe it’s time to replace certain pieces of equipment or do other scheduled maintenance. Planned downtime can include hardware and software upgrades, even large-scale replacements. For those companies in service provision, including those in the B2B space, a scheduled event minimises downtime because everything is lined up in advance for the necessary task. In addition, you can notify consumers or clients that the service or commodity will be temporarily unavailable – and schedule the downtime to minimise disruption. Customers and clients generally understand these inconveniences when they know about them ahead of time.

Then there’s that other kind of downtime: Unplanned. Something goes wrong and you need to scramble to fix it. Precisely because these are unexpected, you might not have the required widgets or personnel on-hand (or on-site). And it’s not just the repair itself. There’s usually lost revenue, reputational damage, and even more:

“The repercussions of unplanned downtime extend beyond immediate financial losses,” explains this overview.

“Companies may face financial penalties and legal liabilities, especially if downtime leads to non-compliance with regulatory requirements. These penalties can add another layer of financial strain on top of the already significant downtime costs.”

We’ve all heard stories about airlines being fined, sometimes heavily, for unexpected delays. And the reputational damage? You wouldn’t have to look hard to find consumers who have switched airlines, internet providers and more due to unplanned downtime that inconvenienced them.

That same article dips into the oil and gas sector, using data from a 2016 study by Kimberlite (a research company specialising in that sector) found offshore organisations face an average of $38M US annually in costs from unplanned downtime. Those with the worst records racked up yearly tabs close to $90M US. So clearly, it’s something most would like to avoid.




Regular robotic inspection can help reduce unplanned downtime by identifying potential failures before they happen. Is a key component starting to age? Has wildlife encroached on sensitive components? Did that storm that passed through overnight have an impact on anything? Are all gauges reading as they should? Are there any thermal anomalies? Is there the molecular presence of hydrocarbons or other indicators above a safe threshold? Are there any strange new noises, such as arcing or humming?

Yes. People can do this when they’re dispatched. But a robot tailored for inspection – and they can be customised for every client’s needs – can carry out these same tasks reliably, repeatedly, and on schedule.

This idea of predictive maintenance is very much a pillar in the world of Industry 4.0, or 4IR (which we recently explored in some detail). As companies move into this next phase, particularly in the manufacturing sector, Smart Devices are being integrated in every conceivable location across newer factory floors. In conjunction with software, they keep an eye on critical components, identifying potential problems before they occur. Industry leaders in this space, such as Siemens, state these systems can result in up to a 50 per cent reduction in unplanned downtime, and up to a 40 per cent reduction in maintenance costs.

That’s the gold standard. But we are just at the cusp of this integration, and it’s more broadly targeted at the manufacturing sector. Those remote electrical substations and oil assets are still, in many ways, not that smart when it comes to asset intelligence and will require regular inspection for many years to come.

Below: InDro’s Sentinel inspection robot, which can be customised for any inspection scenario, It’s seen here at a demo for Ottawa Hydro

Sentinel enclosure Ottawa Hydro



Sentinel is our flagship inspection robot. Our first iteration was in 2022 and – as with all InDro innovations – we have continued to enhance its capabilities. As new advances in sensors and compute have emerged, so too have Sentinel’s powers. But Sentinel’s evolution goes far beyond adding new LiDAR, depth cameras or processors. In the background at Area X.O, we are continuously improving our own IP. Specifically, our InDro Autonomy and InDro Controller software.

InDro Controller is a desktop-based interface with Sentinel (or any other ROS-based robot). Fully customisable and easy to use, it allows our clients to plan and monitor missions with ease. A few clicks allows users to set up repeatable points of interest where the robot will carry our specific inspection tasks. Need eyes on a critical gauge? Use InDro Controller to stop Sentinel at a particular spot. Use the 30X optical Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera to frame and capture the shot. Happy with the results? Great. InDro Controller will remember and carry out this step (and as many others as you’d like) when it next carries out the mission. Collisions or mishaps won’t be an issue, as InDro Autonomy’s detect and avoid capabilities ensure there won’t be any collisions on the way. In fact, you could drop Sentinel in a completely unfamiliar setting littered with obstacles, and it could map that site and even produce a precision scan. And, like a regular visit to the robot doctor, InDro Controller also monitors the overall system health of any integrated device.

From the outset, Sentinel has been on a continuous journey pushing the R&D envelope, with testing and rigorous third-party evaluation. An earlier iteration was even put through demanding tests by the US Electric Power Research Association (EPRI) at its test facility in Massachusetts. All of these deployments have resulted in learnings that have been incorporated into our latest version of Sentinel.




When it comes to remote assets, our clients clearly needed a hands-off approach. That meant we had to incorporate some sort of autonomous charging, since there’s no one on these sites to plug it in. We evaluated mechanical docking systems, but realised these physical mechanisms introduce another potential point of failure.

And so we ultimately settled on a powerful wireless charging system. Using optical codes, Sentinel returns to a housed structure following its missions. It then positions itself snugly up to the wireless charging system so that it’s ready for the next deployment (you’ll see a picture of one of our earlier test structures in a few seconds). We needed to avoid metal to ensure the cleanest possible wireless communication (Sentinel operates over 5G and also has the option for WiFi). Housing Sentinel when it’s off-duty protects it from unnecessary exposure to the elements, though it’s certainly built to operate in virtually anything Mother Nature can throw at it (short of a hurricane).

Finally, Sentinel also has InDro Commander on board. In addition to housing its powerful brain, Commander allows for the easy addition of additional sensors by simply plugging them in. It provides both power and a data pipeline, and InDro Controller has been built to instantly recognise the addition of any new sensors. In other words, if a client’s requirements change and a new sensor is required, Sentinel can be modified with relative ease and no new coding.

Below: Sentinel, following a demonstration for Ottawa Hydro, snugs up to charge

Sentinel enclosure Ottawa Hydro



As mentioned, Sentinel has gone through a ton of testing, coding and development to reach its current iteration. We’ve taken literally all of our learnings and client feedback and put them into this robot. Sentinel does the job reliably and repeatedly, capturing actionable data intended to reduce downtime for our clients. What’s more, we have moved past the phase of producing these robots as one-offs when demand arises. With our fabrication facility InDro Forge, we are now commencing to manufacture Sentinel at scale.

“Sentinel is now a fully mature and market-ready product,” says InDro Founder and CEO Philip Reece. “We already have multiple Sentinels on the ground for a major US utility client and have other orders pending. We – like our clients – are confident Sentinel is worth the investment by reducing downtime and saving companies the expense and time of sending people to these remote locations for inspection work.”

Interested in learning more, or even taking the controls for a remote demonstration of Sentinel and InDro Controller? Contact our Head of R&D Sales, Luke Corbeth, right here.

What Canada’s new drone regulations mean for you

What Canada’s new drone regulations mean for you

By Kate Klassen, Training and Regulatory Specialist


It’s not every day I get excited to see an email before 0600. But yesterday, March 26, was one of those days! 

Unexpectedly, Transport Canada announced the publication of the highly anticipated Canada Gazette II which included new regulations for RPAS Operations Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight and Other Operations.  

It’s a hefty publication with lots of cross-references and makes for a bit of a dense read. But after a day of reading, re-reading, digesting and consulting with other colleagues who share my nerdiness about this area, I’m pleased to provide this overview – which we’ll continue to update as new information becomes available.  

All-in-all, it’s what we were expecting and hoping to see: Common-sense amendments to existing regulations, noticeable inclusions from feedback on the Canada Gazette I draft, and formalization of the next phase of routine RPAS operations in Canada.  

If you were one of the many who took the time to provide comments to Transport Canada following CG1, well done. What we saw today is proof they listen and that those efforts matter. Thank you, TC! 

Some regulations come into effect on April 1 2025, with others commencing November 4, 2025. This phased approach enables the mechanisms for compliance to be in place prior to requiring compliance with them. In other words, it gives you time to get prepared before it’s required by law. So don’t panic. There are no major changes required before this flying season. You can’t even fly BVLOS under these rules until November.

Now, let’s dive in. 

Below: Low-risk BVLOS flights will be permitted starting November 4, 2025. These operations will require a new Level 1 Complex RPAS Certificate




As mentioned, the document published yesterday is complex. Our goal here is explain what it actually means in the real world. So we’re going to break this down into implications for different scenarios. Here’s what the new rules mean for RPAS pilots with: 


…a sub-250 gram drone
  • On April 1, there are more regulations than just the CAR 900.06 ‘don’t be an idiot’ rule that come into force. These specifically spell out steps to follow if you inadvertently enter restricted airspace (CAR 900.07) and include prohibitions around emergency security perimeters (CAR 900.08) 
…a Basic RPAS Certificate
  • Not many changes aside from general tidying of rules to ensure intent aligns with application 
  • You can allow a non-certified individual to fly under your supervision (CAR 901.54) 
  • You are qualified as a visual observer for BVLOS operations 
…an Advanced RPAS Certificate
  • You get new capabilities as of November 4th – and you don’t have to do any additional testing to take advantage of them! 
  • You’ll be able to carry out EVLOS – Extended Visual Line Of Sight operations. This allows you to fly up to 2NM from the pilot, control station and Visual Observer at any time during the flight, provided the pilot and control station are at the take-off and launch location (CAR 901.74) 
  • Sheltered Operation – This allows the drone to be flown around a building or structure without the use of a visual observer, in accordance with certain conditions  
  • Medium Drones: You’ll be permitted to fly drones with an operating weight of up to 150kg  
  • With an Advanced Certificate already in hand, you meet the prerequisite to begin your Level 1 Complex ground school (more in a moment). If you’ve passed the Advanced Certificate but only hold your Basic because you haven’t yet done your Flight Review, you can pursue the Level 1 Complex
5G Drones



This was an area the industry had really been pushing for in the new regulations. Specifically, to be able to carry out such flights without the need for a Special Flight Operations Certificate. Here, too, there’s good news:

  • After November 4 2025, you’ll be able to fly low-risk BVLOS if you hold a Level 1 Complex RPAS pilot certification (CAR 901.89). This means BVLOS in uncontrolled airspace and away from people
  • Permits the operation of a 250g – 150kg RPAS to conduct a BVLOS operation in uncontrolled airspace and one kilometre or more from a populated area 
  • In addition to holding a Level 1 Complex pilot certificate, you also need to be an RPAS Operator (RPOC) or an employee/agent of one and comply with the conditions of your certificate (CAR 901.88) 




  • RPAS Operating Certificate uses the acronym RPOC rather than ROC (as was drafted previously). This is likely in response to anticipated confusion with the ROC-A or Radio Operator Certificate with Aeronautical qualification issued by ISED
  • The new regs contain detailed guidance for visual observers and their requirements in various scenarios
  • You can’t “daisy chain” Visual Observers for EVLOS over greater distances. The pilot/control station needs to be at the take-off and landing area and the RPA can’t go further than 2 NM from the pilot, control station AND VO. 
  • Despite previous suggestions, there is no medical requirement! Just fit-to-fly rules like previously


There are also some changes to SFOC requirements. Police operations at events won’t require an SFOC. Department of National Defence operations won’t require them, just adequate coordination. In addition, you’ll be able to drop lifesaving gear without an SFOC, providing you don’t create a hazard. 

Declarations, maintenance and servicing will take on a more prevalent role (not surprising, given the EVLOS, low-risk BVLOS, and the ease of restrictions on flying heavier drones). It’s also worth noting that the already-useful Drone Site Selection Tool (DSST) will get upgraded to include new situational data layers for lower-risk BVLOS. These layers will include population density, aerodromes, controlled airspace, and Detect and Avoid requirements. 

DJI Dock



Canada Gazette II is a massive document. I actually tried to do a word count and the computer simply froze in fear. But, in conjunction with all of the above, here are some final key takeaways:

  • Don’t freak out: There’s plenty of time to process and time to act. There are no major changes happening before November 4th, though you’ll probably want to get your ducks in a row before then if you anticipate your flying season extending beyond that date
  • For maybe the first time ever, regulations have outpaced technology. We still (desperately) need technical detect solutions that are reliable, capable and affordable
  • We’ve had a few folks reach out about ground school for Level 1 Complex and yes – we absolutely will be offering this. At FLYY, we have things well underway as we were anticipating this announcement.

Unlike previous ground schools, there are some instructor requirements that need to be in place before we can even make the declaration to TC that we’re offering TP15530 compliant training. We’re on top of it!

We plan to start offering live, TC-compliant courses prior to the end of April. Over a series of weeks, these courses will run every Wednesday at 0930 PDT for 2.5 hours. These sessions will be recorded and made available to all course participants to review or watch at their leisure. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer to launch.

You can take advantage of our presale here to make sure you’re first in line.

InDro’s Dr. Eric Saczuk: The Indiana Jones of Drones

InDro’s Dr. Eric Saczuk: The Indiana Jones of Drones

By Scott Simmie


He’s a Fellow International of The Explorers Club – the storied New York-based organization that since 1904 has only accepted members who have travelled to far-flung places (including the moon) in scientific pursuits. He owns a beloved 1989 Volkswagen Westfalia that’s served as his home for academic research and family camping trips. He holds a PhD and sports a prominent and highly meaningful tattoo on his left arm. And, as InDro’s Head of Flight Ops, has flown complex drone missions on six continents – and counting.

As you might have guessed after reading that, Dr. Eric Saczuk has quite the backstory – one that begins in 1974, with his birth in the small city of Opole in what was then-communist southern Poland. His father worked as a high voltage maintenance engineer; his mother as an accountant at the police station. His only sibling, a brother, is nine years older. The family lived in a small one-bedroom apartment, where his parents slept on a pull-out couch.

Eric has pleasant memories of that childhood, which included annual family holidays at state-run resorts around Poland. When Eric was seven, his parents said it was once again vacation time. Bags packed and car loaded, off they went. This time, however, they crossed the border into Czechoslovakia and kept driving into Austria. On day two, his parents had some news: This wasn’t a vacation.

“I remember them turning to my brother and me. They said: ‘We’ve left home and we’re never going back,'” he recalls. “I was seven years old. I burst into tears and I’m like: ‘Oh my God: My friends and my LEGO and my Dinky toys – I’ve left them all behind!’ So my dad promptly took me to a gas station, bought me some toy cars to play with, and I was fine.” (His teenaged brother, who had been desperate to escape, was thrilled.)

They checked in at a refugee camp in Austria, then were transported to lodging in the Austrian alps housing other political refugees from Poland. That would be home for five months. Eric started Grade One in Austria, learning German. His parents wrote letters to Canadian, Australian and American embassies to see if they might be accepted as immigrants.

Eventually, Canada opened the door. And the Saczuk family arrived in Winnipeg on November 12, 1981. It was in the midst of a raging blizzard. There were no skyscrapers, no flashy buildings – none of the things he’d expected from seeing US TV shows like Dallas and Kojak.

“I thought we were in freaking Antarctica,” laughs Eric.

Below: Eric, second from right, and his family

Eric Saczuk



The Sackzuks began their new lives. And one outing, when Eric was eight, proved a seminal event. His father took him to an air show that happened to feature the legendary McDonnell Douglas F15 Streak Eagle, a stripped-down fighter jet so powerful it could accelerate while in a vertical climb. The aircraft ultimately set eight records, including reaching an altitude of 98,425 feet just 3 minutes and 27.8 seconds after brake release (it then coasted to 103,000 feet). Eric was absolutely awestruck.

“So I saw this thing, full after-burner, go ballistic up into the sky. I’m like, ‘Holy shit, that’s what I wanna do.’ So, from then until I was probably 18 I just ate and slept and pooped airplanes. That was my life.”

He frequently cycled the 15 kilometres to the airport to watch aircraft. He read every aviation magazine or book he could get his hands on, including Ground School manuals. He was obsessed. When he was 15 and a half – the earliest age possible – he applied for the Canadian Air Force Reserves. His security clearance took nine months due to his background in a then-communist country. As he was wrapping up Grade 10, he was accepted to become an Airframe Technician at Squadron 402. His first day of training, he was surprised to see an old pal he hadn’t seen in years in the same CAF classroom – another immigrant from Poland. He and Martin remain friends to this day.

Because it was the reserves, it was a part-time gig. He went through basic training, including Ground School, and by the time he was in Grade 12 the CAF said the next step was for them to head to CFB Borden in just two weeks. That would mean leaving Highschool. But not having Grade 12 would eliminate the potential to become a pilot or reach officer ranks. Couldn’t they just graduate first and then continue? The answer from the military was no; it was now or never. Eric and Martin decided to leave and were granted Honorary Discharges.

But then what?

Below: Eric working a flight simulator in his teens, and in his CAF Reserves uniform

Eric Saczuk
Eric Saczuk



We’ll fast-forward here. Eric applied to the University of Manitoba and was accepted into a geophysics program. It was math-heavy and he struggled. His GPA was under 2.0 and for a time he was on academic probation. That is, until he took a summer physical geography course that focussed on map interpretation.

“They put some aerial photos in front of me and I thought –  I know this stuff. Because I’d been doing mission planning or flight planning for years and looking at aeronautical charts. And I’m like: ‘This is so simple.'”

He switched from geophysics into physical geography. He started specialising in a realm of cartography and satellite remote sensing, with an emphasis on geomorphology, “looking at natural hazards like landslides and debris flows and rock fall and flooding. How do we map these things? How do we analyse them in a geospatial way?” By his third year, that GPA jumped to 3.4.

Two academic advisors, both adventurous in their own way, would have great influence on Eric. One of them attached multispectral cameras to a powered paraglider to obtain aerial data, long before the days of drones. The other, an accomplished alpinist who had first ascents of multiple peaks in the Himalayas, took Eric to the Rockies in Alberta for research. The sheer beauty, in conjunction with the geomorphology, touched Eric’s soul in a parallel not dissimilar to seeing that Streak Eagle in his childhood.

“I fell in love with that. I knew this was where I wanted to be.”

For the next several years while obtaining his Masters and then PhD, Eric spent his summers researching amidst geological beauty: Banff, Yoho, Jasper, and Kootenay National Parks. Sometimes he would be living and working from a tent. During one miserable evening, cooking canned food from a camp stove, he spotted someone looking incredibly cozy in a camper van. He soon began a search for his VW Westfalia.

That love of natural beauty (Eric says he’d become something of a “tree-hugger” by this point), eventually led him and his girlfriend to Vancouver (along with a 1989 Westfalia he purchased after flagging down someone driving one at a stop light in Winnipeg). They married and soon there was a daughter on the scene.

He got a gig as a sessional lecturer at Simon Fraser University, and eventually became a professor at BCIT. When drones came on the scene, he saw their geospatial potential and immediately embraced them. He travelled to Antarctica working with drones, did PhD research in India, filmed a documentary in Nepal, hacked his way through forests in the remotest parts of Borneo, and also emerged as a professional photographer. The breadth of these travels, and others, led to him being admitted to The Explorers Club at its highest level. He also became head of BCIT’s RPAS Hub, immersing himself in geospatial and multispectral imaging and data analysis and teaching others.

His first marriage ended, but in 2016, he and Irina married under an arbutus tree on Salt Spring Island. She too had a daughter the same age as his own and they became a blended, happy family – which has collectively enjoyed many adventures in that Westfalia (purchased with 28k on the odometer and now approaching 500,000).

Below: Eric and his family camping with that Westfalia, followed by a mysterious tree in Borneo (which will be explained) and a highly meaningful tattoo

Eric Saczuk
Eric Saczuk
Eric Saczuk



The story of Eric (whose Polish name is ‘Arek’), is filled with many other adventures we wish we could include. But there are three brief things worth mentioning as we wrap things up. Remember that trip to Borneo? He went there to assist with an international forest research group, using satellite data to determine the age of rattan plantations. This wasn’t a basic trip, it was an expedition – involving days of hacking through dense forests with a guide. On the third or fourth day, in the middle of nowhere, they reached a section that looked starkly different. The trees were spread out, with a high canopy. The undergrowth they’d pushed through for days was gone. A local guide told Eric this was primordial forest; the trees here had never been cut down.

Some markings on one tree caught his eye. He looked more closely and saw it was a word. The hairs on his neck prickled up. The letters were A-R-E-K were carved in the bark. His own name. How could this be? Turns out, Arek was also the name of a local tribe – and that carving was to mark their territory. But seriously, what were the odds?

“It was a wild, surreal experience to have so far from home.”

Eric has a large tree tattooed on his left arm. It has sparse branches with no leaves. One might assume it simply symbolises a connection with the natural world. And, in one sense, it does. Trees literally give us life, and – whether through CO2 or our own mortal remains – human beings do the same for trees. But it’s more than that.

“It’s my Tree of Death,” he says. Tree of what?

He explains: “As my family starts to age and aunts and uncles start passing away, I wanted a place for them to come and have a final resting place. So this tree is a home for them.”

Meaning, as time passes, he will add to that tattoo.

“When one of my family members passes away, they will become a little crow that lands on a branch.”

And there’s a final connection with trees. Eric wanted to explore opportunities with companies in the drone space on the cutting-edge. He had already been doing advanced thermal and multispectral work, so he was looking for a company pushing boundaries. He hadn’t found a fit, until he happened upon the InDro Robotics booth at a conference. The talk soon turned to BVLOS flights, Transport Canada trials using Command and Control over cellular, other missions that pushed the envelope. He asked where the company was based, where its flight testing takes place. The person told him they had a field at the north end of the island, a spot called Channel Ridge.

“Do you mean the one with the big arbutus tree?” asked Eric. Yeah, that’s the place.

“I got married under that tree in 2016,” he replied.

Eric soon met InDro Founder and CEO Philip Reece and was brought on for increasingly complex operations. He was hired in 2022 as InDro’s Head of Flight Ops. Whenever there’s a highly complex mission – ranging from work in Saudi Arabia and Brazil to urban wind tunnel research flights in Montreal, Eric gets the call and packs his bags. If it’s close to home, he takes his beloved Westfalia. He divides his time between InDro, his work at BCIT, and his family.

And so, not surprisingly, the adventure continues.

InDro joins Canadian Advanced Air Mobility trade mission to San Francisco

InDro joins Canadian Advanced Air Mobility trade mission to San Francisco

By Scott Simmie


InDro Robotics is pleased to announce it is part of a delegation heading to the US next week in a trade delegation organised by Canadian Advanced Air Mobility, or CAAM. As Canada’s federal industry association for AAM, CAAM is the nation’s unified voice in the sector, working with industry and regulators to advance the path toward the coming world of Advanced Air Mobility.

You’ve likely heard about AAM by now. But just in case, here’s a quick and high-level refresher: Technology advances of the past decade have led to what are often referred to as transformational aircraft. These run the gamut from large and autonomous cargo drones through to what are commonly called air taxis – electrically powered eVTOL (including standard multi-rotor, fixed-wing VTOL, tilt-rotor and other innovative designs) intended to carry humans and cargo. Nearly all of these aircraft are electrically powered and sustainable, while some involve hybrid designs with fuel-powered generators supplying or topping up electrical power for the motors. You can also throw smaller drones into the mix, as they will be sharing airspace and taking on newer use-case scenarios involving autonomous, Beyond Visual Line of Sight flight in urban settings.




These aircraft will fulfil a number of important use-case scenarios. For example, they will transport people or cargo to areas that currently do not have airports. They will also move goods and humans quickly across large urban areas. Minimal infrastructure is needed for these VTOL aircraft. Rather than an airport, these devices will take off and land from “vertiports” similar to helicopter pads.

People or critical supplies can be transported efficiently and sustainably to places that were previously not an option for traditional aircraft – and where the cost or availability could not justify helicopter flights. They will transport critical medical supplies between hospitals in a fraction of the time ground transport would require. Smaller drones might deliver devices like Automated External Defibrillators, Epipens or life-saving medications in emergencies.

Plus, of course, air taxis will carry people across major urban centres or to nearby satellite regions. Eventually, it’s envisioned you’ll be able to hail one of these machines the same way you call an Uber – and your pickup spot will be a vertiport.

This future isn’t coming immediately, as Federal Aviation Administration Type certifications are still underway. But it most definitely is coming. Several companies – which the CAAM delegation will visit – are leaders in the air taxi space, with fully functional aircraft they plan to put into operation once FAA certification is complete.

As for the FAA? The US regulator is fully onboard with this new era but obviously wants to ensure the integration between traditional aviation and these transformational vehicles is safely achieved. To that end, it has already released a blueprint for how it envisions this mixed air traffic will play out:



A number of US companies are at the vanguard of this new era, designing and testing aircraft that are very close to being production models. And CAAM, led by Executive Director JR Hammond, has pulled together a trip that will allow delegates to meet with several of the key players based in San Francisco. The mission will have onsite visits and – pending weather – observe demo flights at the following AAM leaders:




This company has built what it describes as the “world’s first self-flying, all-electric, four-seat air taxi.” Its current model, called Generation 6, “is the world’s first all-electric, autonomous, four-seat eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) air taxi designed for passenger transport. Our larger, spacious new aircraft provides more space for passengers and their luggage, and ensures that our service is accessible for those with disabilities.”

The unique design incorporates both eVTOL and a fixed wing for range. Its eight tiltable robots enable vertical take-off and landing. Once in the air, those rotors tilt forward for the transition into more efficient fixed-wing flight. Range is 144 kilometres (90 miles), traveling at speeds up to 120 knots. Generation 6 can recharge in a scant 15 minutes, allowing for rapid turnaround. This is a fully autonomous aircraft with multiple redundant safety features, and with human oversight from the ground. WISK is a fully owned subsidiary of Boeing, and has been in operation since 2010.

Below: The WISK Generation 6

WISK Generation 6



The CAAM delegation will visit another leader in this space, Joby Aviation. Its six-rotor piloted aircraft is designed to carry four people, and also employs tilt rotors and a fixed wing. It’s also fast – capable of speeds up to 320 km/hour (200 mph). Despite the six large rotors, Joby has put considerable engineering effort into one of the downsides of multi-rotors: Noise.

According to Joby, its aircraft is as “quiet as a conversation.” And they’re not the only ones saying it. The company websites quotes Aviation Week’s Guy Norris as saying: “The aircraft made only a partially perceptible sound that, in this editor’s view, would almost certainly be undetectable against the everyday noise background of an urban environment.” So that’s a big bonus.

Though there will undoubtedly be many useful routes once this aircraft is certified and integrated into US airspace, its website envisions flights such as from a downtown vertiport in New York City to JFK airport. Driving by car, says Joby, takes 49 minutes; flying gets you there in seven minutes.

The company is in the midst of testing and certification with the FAA, and has completed the first three of five stages in that process. Joby has flown more than 50,000 km on its full-scale prototype and Toyota has announced it will be investing US $500M into the company in 2025.

Below: Joby takes flight



The third air taxi company on the agenda is Archer. In 2024, the company received its Part 135 Air Carrier & Operator Certificate from the FAA – one of just two air taxi manufacturers globally to have announced receipt of that certificate. Its “Midnight” aircraft is currently undergoing FAA Type certification. The company has delivered an aircraft to the United States Air Force – the first of a potential six in a contract worth up to US $142M. It is planning to begin trials in India shortly, with other venues on tap.

All of these air taxis have interesting designs, but Midnight is particularly intriguing. It has six tilt-rotors forward of its fixed wing, and an additional six fixed rotors aft of that wing. So a total of 12 rotors lift and land Midnight vertically, while the six tilt-rotors make the transition to and provide thrust for forward flight. The tips of the tilt-rotor propellors are flexed backwards to reduce noise.




In addition to visiting the three above companies, the CAAM delegation will also spend a day at the NASA AMES Research Center. That visit will include seeing NASA’s Vertical Motion Simulator, an Advanced Air Mobility simulation, a live demonstration of an eVTOL AAM vehicle, and plenty of discussion around the implications and challenges of this new phase in global aviation.

In addition to CAAM, there will be 33 companies, regulators and research institutes on the trip. These include Transport Canada, NAV Canada, the National Research Council – as well as such established companies as CAE, Kongsberg Geospatial, and NGC Aerospace.

“This trip represents a tremendous opportunity for Canadian entities in this sector to meet with some of the leaders in the AAM world and see their technologies up close,” says CAAM Executive Director JR Hammond.

“But just as importantly, it gives these leading AAM companies a chance to learn about the incredible Canadian companies that are in or adjacent to this space and explore potential partnerships down the road. We are incredibly excited about this trip.”

Below: The Archer Midnight hits a major milestone in June of 2024, with its first transition flight. It’s a longer video, but a cool one



The world of Advanced Air Mobility is coming. And InDro is pleased to be taking part in this CAAM-organized event.

InDro has long worked to advance the concept of integrated airspace, carrying out a broad variety of research in concert with Transport Canada and the National Research Council in areas ranging from Detect and Avoid technologies through to testing urban wind tunnels to help with prediction models and future standards for urban RPAS flight. We’ve even tested and mapped the strength of 5G signals at various altitudes in urban environments to ensure robust connections for future autonomous flights over cities and potential UTM systems.

We have concrete plans for deliveries of critical supplies, including deploying heavy-lift and long-range drones – which will be part of the AAM space. And, with our expertise in designing and building autonomous mobile robots, we foresee other opportunities.

“The future of AAM is all about automation, including autonomous flight and an eventual automated Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) system that will ensure safe flights within corridors and minimise any potential for conflict with traditional aviation,” says InDro Founder and CEO Philip Reece.

“As part of that automated future, InDro is currently exploring AMRs that will autonomously assist with tasks like cargo loading and offloading, repositioning aircraft on the ground, and more. We look forward to working with AAM clients to build robust solutions in this space.”

We’d also like to mention that this trade mission was made possible through the CanExport Program by the Government of Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service.

Interested in this sector? Stay tuned; we’lll be sending reports from the field.

InDro launches online robotics store

InDro launches online robotics store

By Scott Simmie


In the market for a robot? A LiDAR sensor? Perhaps a Six Degree of Freedom manipulator?

You’ve come to the right place. InDro Robotics is pleased to announce its new online store – your one-stop portal for high quality robotic components. Whether it’s a $2500 US LIMO (an amazing tiny R&D powerhouse) or a $80,000 Robosense LiDAR, we’ve got you covered.

“We’re incredibly excited about this addition to our offerings,” says Head of R&D Sales Luke Corbeth. “For clients who need a specific component and know what they want, this will streamline the process and get products into their hands more quickly.”

We’re not talking here about custom builds – something InDro has built a stellar reputation on. But precisely because we’ve done so many custom builds, we’ve been able to identify best-in-class components. And while the majority of our clients come to InDro so that we can do the integration for them, there are some who want to either perform that integration themselves, or simply add a sensor or compute upgrade to an existing robot.

“Through building all of these robots, we’ve had a front row seat into what works, what doesn’t work, what’s best – and what is most cost-effective,” adds Corbeth. “Over time, we’ve settled on a select few components we use in the vast majority of our builds. So the purpose of the store is that if you want a component that goes into an InDro Robotics build – up to a fully functional quadruped – you can simply order it online from us.”

Below: Manipulator? LiDAR? InDro’s new online store offers a broad but highly curated selection of quality robotics components


Online store manipulator LiDAR



Through scores of custom builds, including robots for some of the largest tech companies in the world, we’ve identified the most robust and cost-effective components. We’ve also learned that some clients with existing robots want to simply add a sensor or upgrade their compute.

For those clients who know specifically what they’re after, the online store streamlines the purchasing process. And if you’re unsure precisely which component would be optimal for your application? There are plenty of choices with LiDAR and compute, for example. No worries. Corbeth is still happy to walk you through the options and help you decide on the best choice for your application.

“In a lot of cases, people will have done their research and know precisely what they want. But, absolutely, I’m always available to have a discussion and ensure they’re choosing exactly what they need,” he says.




InDro has zero interest in selling clients something they don’t need, or a component that won’t get the job done. That’s why the offerings in our store have been carefully curated. These are the components our engineers work with every single day – and which go into the custom robots we integrate for clients. Each and every item available online is a product we have confidence in, and which has been proven in the field. Our online store includes multiple options in the following categories:

  • Components: Cameras, compute, LiDAR, mobile manipulators, wireless charging
  • Robots: GO2 quadruped, LIMO Pro, LIMO
  • Drones: Multiple offerings and add-ons from DJI

But why not simply shop around and buy these somewhere else online? Sure, you could do that. However, you’d be missing out on the InDro after-sales support we are known for. If you have an issue with integrating a component purchased from InDro, Luke is just a phone call away. And, in the rare event he doesn’t have the answer, you have access to our brain trust of engineers at Area X.O to solve your problem. That’s not something you’ll get purchasing online from some faceless, distant distributor.

Plus, clients get access to InDro’s extensive documentation on these products and their integration.

“We’re going to share every resource that we use ourselves when building robots to help enable their development,” says Corbeth.

And, because InDro is an authorised distributor for every component we sell, you don’t run the very real risk of purchasing a grey market product – where manufacturers tend to not honour warranties.

Plus, there are some smaller items – like that tiny but powerful LIMO R&D robot – where the client knows that’s exactly what they want. (We have one client who has purchased dozens of these robots.) In scenarios like that, there’s no question the online store will speed the process.

“These smaller ticket items don’t need to go through the same administrative process as our larger custom robots. They can be purchased on a procurement credit card, which completely bypasses the traditional procurement process,” says Corbeth.

“So, absolutely, this will be an easier way for people to do rapid transactions and get the hardware quickly.”

Below: Can we give you (or sell you) a hand?

Online Store



We’re pretty excited about the new online store. The components we offer, whether it’s a Robosense LiDAR or a DJI drone, all come with the manufacturer’s warranty – along with InDro’s exhaustive documentation and legendary post-sales support.

“We’re confident the store will help clients get the quality components they need as quickly as possible,” says InDro Robotics Founder and CEO Philip Reece. “I wouldn’t call it the Amazon of robotics – at least not yet – but it will definitely simplify the purchasing process for those clients who know specifically what they want, and get those products in their hands more quickly.”

The look and feel of the store was conceived by Head of Marketing Carli Parkinson – who worked closely with Luke Corbeth and our engineering staff to select the absolute best range of robotic components (and even robots) for its inventory.

There’s already a robust selection online. But, of course, as newer specialised products become available and we integrate and test them in our own robots, they’ll be added to the lineup.

We encourage you to take a spin through the store now. And, if you’re ready to purchase but have any questions, contact us here. Happy shopping!

New InDro Sentinel has wireless charging enclosure for remote operations

New InDro Sentinel has wireless charging enclosure for remote operations

By Scott Simmie


If you follow our news, you’re likely familiar with our Sentinel inspection robot. It’s been built specifically for monitoring critical assets like electrical substations etc. – places where you need regular eyes on assets without the cost and inconvenience of having a human being on site.

We are pleased to announce that InDro Robotics has perfected an outdoor enclosure that keeps Sentinel protected from harsh weather, while allowing for wireless recharging.

“If you imagine a robot in any sort of demanding outdoor environment to improve the longevity of the equipment, you want to keep it away from the elements as much as possible – which is why the enclosure exists,” explains Luke Corbeth, InDro’s Head of R&D Sales.

“For any demanding outdoor application such as substation inspection, solar farm inspection, etcetera, you’re going to want to keep the robot out of the rain, away from the wind, out of direct heat. These elements are why the enclosure exists.”

And the best part? Sentinel can autonomously return to that enclosure to rest and recharge completely on its own. And that makes it perfect for even the most distant of assets. If there’s a cellular connection, Sentinel can be a totally remote employee.

Below: The new Sentinel enclosure, on site at our R&D headquarters at Ottawa’s Area X.O

Sentinel enclosure Ottawa Hydro



And what comes next? April, of course. And the reason we’re going down this road is because Sentinel finds its roost using a code known as AprilTags. They’re similar to QR codes, but have been designed for 3D orientation. Sentinel’s enclosure uses AprilTags – which are detected by onboard cameras – for the robot to find its way home, and snug up nice and close to its wireless recharging system.

“The robot is trained to know exactly what these tags look like from every angle,” says Corbeth. “And by looking at these tags, it’s able to determine: ‘Oh, I’m a little bit off in this direction, so I need to make this adjustment.’ That ensures that we have a smooth and reliable docking and undocking sequence every single time the robot goes in and out of the enclosure.”

There’s a slightly inclined ramp for Sentinel to access this tiny recharging home. And the floor is deliberately a bit slippery in order for Sentinel to fine-tune its docking procedure by, for lack of a better word, drifting inside the enclosure to get its bearings.. And the charging system? Amazing.

The Wibotic charger is incredibly efficient. One hour of wireless charging is enough for Sentinel to fully recharge and deploy on a five-hour mission. Let’s repeat that: One hour of wireless charging gives Sentinel five hours on the ground.

The other advantage is that, because it’s wireless, there are no mechanical interfaces. These can be a potential point of failure, which is the last thing you’d want on a remote, autonomous installation. The whole point of these installations is for a robot to take care of things on its own.

“Anytime you have a mechanical interface, there are usually prongs involved. These can get bent or damaged – which is the last thing you’d want on a remote installation. So wireless charging completely eliminates that potential point of failure,” says Corbeth.

Below: Sentinel in its enclosure. You can see one of the AprilTags, which are used for Sentinel to perfectly align with the Wibotic charger


Sentinel enclosure Ottawa Hydro



Sentinel has been through multiple iterations as platforms, sensors and  compute improve. The newest version uses a wheeled platform (though a separate version with treads is available). Compute is a powerful AI-enabled processor capable of many Trillions of Operations per Second (TOPS). And because we deploy with InDro Controller, our in-house user interface, Sentinel can be easily programmed to repeat highly complex tasks.

Say, for example, you are particularly interested in the reading on a gauge. The first time you deploy Sentinel using InDro Controller, you would manually adjust the Pan-Tilt-Zoom camera to capture an image of that asset. But once you’ve done it once? InDro Controller remembers the settings – so you can deploy Sentinel on an autonomous mission and it will remember all parameters. It will capture the same image, on its own, during any subsequent deployment. This applies to any sensor, capturing any data.




Recently, InDro got in touch with Hydro Ottawa. We were looking to deploy Sentinel in a real-world situation, and Hydro Ottawa has an electrical substation in the city. We were interested in testing Sentinel in that scenario, and Hydro Ottawa was interested in seeing what Sentinel could do.

We deployed over the Rogers 5G network, using InDro Controller to quickly plot its route and some specific Points of Interest (which did indeed include a gauge). Then we let Sentinel go about its business completely on its own with an autonomous mission.

The result? Phenomenal. Sentinel captured all the salient data, demonstrating its immense capabilities as a ‘set and forget’ robot. Now that the data is in InDro Controller, Sentinel can carry out the same mission on a schedule with zero human intervention. Data will be automatically uploaded – and Sentinel is even capable of sending alerts if, say, that gauge was sending a reading of concern.

“We were able to plot a full preventative maintenance mission – and then run it autonomously several times within a two-hour window,” says Corbeth.

What’s more? It was freezing cold, putting Sentinel to the test in a harsh environment. This is what this robot was built to carry out – and can operate in environments from -20C to +30C.

And the Hydro Ottawa people?

“They were blown away,” says Corbeth. “They even told me: ‘Luke, your team should be very proud.'”

We are.

Below: Sentinel at a Hydro Ottawa substation


Sentinel enclosure Ottawa Hydro



Sentinel has been an ongoing project for InDro for several years. We have continually upgraded the product as newer sensors and AI compute capabilities have become available. In conjunction with InDro Controller, this is now a fully commercial product. In fact, we recently shipped three of these to a US client and look forward to reporting on this when they are first deployed (which is happening shortly).

“Sentinel is one of our core products,” says InDro Robotics Founder and CEO Philip Reece. “Our team, both at Area X.O and InDro Forge, have worked very hard on the design and integration of this product. And InDro Controller, under the hands of Head of Software RJ Bundy, is an extremely intuitive and powerful user interface. We look forward to manufacturing many more Sentinels in 2025.”

Oh. We almost forgot to tell you that Sentinel is available as a quadruped, so it can tackle stairs and more demanding environments. So cool.

Interested in learning more – including a remote demo where you can take control of Sentinel? Contact us here.