Aerometrix methane detection operation poised for new growth

Aerometrix methane detection operation poised for new growth

By Scott Simmie


This job, on occasion, stinks.

But it’s all in a day’s work for Aerometrix, Canada’s only company specialising in methane detection using drones. It’s not the methane itself that smells – it’s actually an odourless gas – but it’s the locations where methane can be emitted.

Imagine flying a massive landfill on a hot day in California. Further imagine that, in order to keep the dust down, the landfill operators have recently sprayed the location with leachate – the slimy runoff juice created by the landfill itself. It’s very biologically active, and it smells really bad.

“It’s horrendous – horrible,” chuckles Eric Saczuk, who often carries out the complex flights.

“It just ends up just suffusing through you and anything that you’re wearing. It even seems like it goes into your skin.”

Thankfully, not all missions are like that. But all of them do achieve results.

And now, for multiple reasons, Aerometrix is poised to be taking on many more of them – branching out into detection at oil and gas refineries.

Below: Flight Operations Lead Eric Saczuk prepares for an Aerometrix flight


Eric Saczuk Aerometrix



When it comes to climate change, methane is an invisible threat. Though we often hear about CO2 emissions, methane is a serious problem when it comes to greenhouse gases.

“Methane has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere,” states the Environmental Defense Fund.

“Even though CO2 has a longer-lasting effect, methane sets the pace for warming in the near term.”

So there’s increasing urgency to detect and mitigate methane emissions. At landfills, for example, once the emission points are detected, the gas can be trapped – and even used to generate electricity.

“The main emphasis recently has been on landfills, both in Canada and the US,” explains Aerometrix Co-Founder Philip Reece. “We flew 16 missions over the last 12 months.”

And these missions aren’t simply popping a drone up for a brief flight. Nor are they automated. Every Aerometrix flight has to be carried out manually.

“Over large sites like the Vancouver landfill, that took us three days of flying, six hours a day,” says Saczuk. “We fly these missions at five metres above the ground – and there’s lots of things that can get in the way at that level.”

Aerometrix flights deploy either the DJI M300 or M350 drone. But the secret sauce is not so much the drone as the sensors. (And it’s most certainly not the leachate.)




Aerometrix deploys two different sensors to detect methane. One of them is called an Open Path Laser Spectrometer (OPLS), developed by NASA for use on the Mars Rover. It was designed to detect trace gases. In the case of methane detection, the laser is tuned to a specific frequency that is absorbed when it encounters that particular gas. The greater the absorption, the higher the methane concentration.

The sensor requires “clean air” for accurate readings – meaning there can’t be any prop wash or turbulence caused by the drone itself. Aerometrix engineers built a brace that holds the sensor well forward of the drone for this purpose. Having that sensor and rod, of course, upsets the balance of the drone. In fact, Saczuk estimates the weight of the rod and sensor at roughly 800 grams, perched about 1.5 metres forward of the drone.

And while the flight controller is capable of compensating for that, Saczuk always performs a calibration once the drone is in the air.

“We take off to maybe three or four meters above the ground. Once the drone is airborne, we go into the controller and initiate the calibration. So the drone calculates its revised centre of gravity and knows what its steady state is. The two front propellers then spin a little bit faster to keep the nose from dipping.”

Flying manually, Saczuk uses Tripod Mode to limit the drone’s speed. The most accurate readings occur when flying at about five metres per second.

On an ideal flight day, there would be a steady wind at around eight metres per second. If the breeze is coming from the east and blowing over the landfill, this provides a couple of advantages. First of all, by positioning operations at the eastern end you can avoid most of the smell. But the real reason is because the drone will begin its flight in clean air not contaminated by methane. That will enable the methane, once detected, to really contrast with the surrounding environment.

“What we don’t like is no wind, because then the methane just goes up vertically and it’s variable – it just gets pushed around by a little vortices here and there,” says Saczuk.

The drone will make multiple passes (in this example, north and south) over the site. When the laser hits methane, some of those rays will be absorbed and some reflected, depending on the concentration. Flying multiple paths allows enough data to be gathered to create a visualization of methane in a vertical plane.

We’ll do this on the upwind and downwind side of the site as well as a full perimeter to understand where the main emissions source likely are,” he adds. 

“We shouldn’t be seeing much methane on that eastern side, assuming the wind is coming from the east. And then as we fly the western edge, that would capture all of the methane that’s being pushed by the wind and that would be the downwind curtain.”

While Saczuk is piloting, there’s a second controller that displays the data. A Raspberry Pi onboard the drone takes the data from the sensor and merges it with the flight data from the aircraft. So Saczuk can see the invisible gas while piloting.

The goal is obtain a really good cross-section, as illustrated below. Feel free to try your hand at the equation.

Flux Curtain



The second sensor deployed is called a Laser Falcon. The sensor, mounting hardware and accessories will set you back close to $60k CDN. It is mounted directly on the drone and faces downward.

In this case, the laser is factory tuned for methane detection – it is the only gas the Laser Falcon can detect.

“It’s an active sensor that will detect the amount of absorption that’s happening. The scattering of the laser in the air tells the sensor how much methane there is not at a point – but through a column of air.”

In both cases, the data is crunched to make the invisible visible. The result is called a “flux curtain” or “flux plane” – with differing colours representing different concentrations of methane, measured in parts per million. In the graphic below, the greatest concentrations are seen in the middle of the image, just below the centre.

Methane Detection



In December the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced draft methane regulations. These regulations aim to reduce methane emissions by 75 per cent by the year 2030, when compared with emission from 2012. The focus is on the oil and gas industry.

“Oil and gas facilities are the largest industrial emitters of methane in Canada—they release about half of total methane emissions,” reads the draft.

“These releases occur during normal operation of equipment and from leaks. To comply with Canada’s existing methane Regulations, industries had to adopt practices to monitor for leaks and ensure that repairs happen to reduce the amount of gas intentionally vented into the air.

“Under the draft methane amendments, the Government of Canada is enhancing the emissions-monitoring requirements through a risk-based approach to structure inspections for fugitive emissions—facilities with equipment that has greater potential for emissions must undertake more frequent inspections. All inspections must be conducted using instruments with a standard minimum detection limit, and repair timelines will depend on emissions rates. Further, the draft regulations introduce an audit system, requiring one annual third-party inspection to validate company program results.”

In other words, it won’t be long before oil and gas facilities will need to bring experts like Aerometrix onboard to verify that the reported data is accurate.

“Lowering methane emissions from our oil and gas sector is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways we can cut the pollution that is fueling climate change,” said Minister Guilbeault in this news release.

“As the world’s fourth largest oil and gas producer, we have both the responsibility and the know-how to do everything we can. At this time of robust profit margins and high energy prices, there has never been a better time for the oil and gas sector to invest in slashing methane emissions.”




In creating Aerometrix, co-Founders Philip Reece and Michael Whiticar developed a solution to a significant and largely invisible problem. Now, with even greater emphasis on reducing methane emissions, Aerometrix has attracted a major new investor.

That investor is Omar Asad, the company’s new Director. He sees great potential ahead.

“The cutting-edge technology utilised by Aerometrix is unmatched and has already translated into significant savings for clients,” says Asad. “What’s more, we offer both a much-needed and innovative solution – while helping to reduce methane emissions at a critical time.”

Asad’s investment, in conjunction with Canada’s impending methane legislation, paves the way for accelerated growth.

Below: Eric Saczuk points to the second controller, highlighting real-time methane detection


Aerometrix Flux Curtain



Philip Reece, of course, is also the Founder and CEO of InDro Robotics. And he’s clearly pleased with both the investment – and the growth trajectory.

“Landfill detection alone has kept Aerometrix busy and profitable,” says Reece. “With the pending legislation we are poised for significant growth in the oil and gas sector.

“Not only is using these sensors with drones more accurate than traditional hand-held walk-arounds, but Aerometrix has racked up years of experience in turning our findings into clear and actionable data. This company, particularly with Omar onboard, is ready for the next phase of growth.”

Interested in learning more about methane detection by Aerometrix? Contact them here.

InDro Robotics takes in NRF’s “Big Show”

InDro Robotics takes in NRF’s “Big Show”

By Scott Simmie


InDro Robotics just took in NRF 2024 in New York. And it was, as the National Retail Federation promised, “Retail’s Big Show.”

Many of the world’s largest retailers (along with plenty of smaller ones) were at the event, which is one of the biggest and most important conferences for the retail sector on the planet.

And while many of us might think of retail and its supply chain as consisting of storefronts, warehouses, manufacturing and the transport of goods, there’s a tremendous amount of technology going on behind the scenes. The use of that technology – including various forms of automation and robotics – is growing. That’s why we attended.

“I was here on behalf of InDro to identify in the retail space where the gaps are, and where hardware fits into that – how physical robots can complement some of the solutions that are offered,” explains Stacey Connors, Head of Strategic Innovations (and the happy person pictured above).

Here’s a quick overview of the event:



It really is a big show. Some 6,000 retailers from around the world take part, with more than 1,000 companies exhibiting. About 35,000 people attended the event, which this year had a heavy focus on technologies that can offer new efficiencies through every step of the retail process: Manufacturing, supply chain management, inventory control – you name it.

Most retailers, says Connors, rely heavily on software throughout that process. Highly automated systems like Amazon distribution centres are known as “dark warehouses” – because you could simply turn the lights off and most of the processes would keep on running.

For an example of just how automated some systems are, check out the video below. This system was built more than five years ago:




Pretty impressive system, right? But that’s the exception.

“The reality – and what a lot of publications like McKinsey will justify – is that 80+ per cent of the warehouses are ‘brown fields’ where there’s limited automation at all,” says Connors.

Making that transition toward more automation isn’t always a snap.

“You’re asking an existing environment to upgrade everything, change all the infrastructure. Is the width of the aisles suitable for multiple robots? Is the lighting adequate for scanning barcodes or QR codes? Is the software built to integrate with different autonomous devices?”

There are companies that are specializing, at least on the software side, in helping with that transition. SVT Robotics, for example, makes software (SoftBot) for the integration of autonomous machines with existing inventory management/supply chain software. Depending on warehouse architecture, robots can sometimes be added with minimal infrastructure changes.

And then there are manufacturers and retailers building new “green field” warehouses – where they design a new facility from the ground up that takes existing robotics technologies into account.

“When you’re building a whole new warehouse, all of these automations are very viable,” says Connors.




This isn’t the first piece of the puzzle that Connors has been examining in the retail supply chain world. She’s been immersed in this sector for much of the past year, taking in major conferences like Promat, the world’s largest gathering focussed on supply chain automation. She attended Boston’s Robotics Summit & Expo as well as IROS in Detroit. Synergically, they help form a Big Picture. Connors says the NRF retail show filled in an important gap.

“This is the other piece – how it impacts the front end, the end sale, and revenue generation. So it was a different lens to look at how robotics impacts the whole chain.”

But why so much interest in this?

We’ll have much more to say on this soon. But InDro has been hard at work on a new solution we believe will offer huge efficiencies for companies with large warehouses – and even for front-end retail operations. It is a radically new kind of solution, and we can’t wait to share it.

What we can tell you is that InDro is excited to have forged a partnership with Scanbot – a leader in barcode scanning and data capture. Scanbot’s SDK (Software Development Kit) will play an important role in our new product, and we’re pleased to be on board with them.

The success of our new venture hinges on seamless integration with existing software and operating systems,” says Connors.

“Scanbot is the clear leader in this field, and offers precisely the SDK for the job. We’re excited to be working with them.”

Below: Stacey Connors and our new Scanbot partners during the NRF show



Stacey and Scanbot



As you know by now, InDro is an R&D company. Frequently, clients come to us seeking solutions that don’t yet exist. And often, we identify problems in need of solutions. In both cases, we invent/develop new products. We are particularly inclined to develop and refine new products when we see a significant void in the marketplace.

“Inventory management is a huge untapped market,” says Stacey Connors. “Robotics and automation can offer massive efficiencies, particularly if they can be integrated into existing warehouses and showrooms without significant infrastructure changes.

“This is an area where we have been deeply focused on a solution – one we look forward to unveiling in the very near future. Trust me, there’s nothing like it out there.”

Stay tuned.

InDro Robotics hits multiple milestones in 2023

InDro Robotics hits multiple milestones in 2023

By Scott Simmie


Happy New Year!

We hope you’ve enjoyed the holiday season and that 2024 will be a good year for you.

While looking ahead, we at InDro Robotics always take this opportunity to also look back; to reflect on the year that was. In particular, we like to focus on what we accomplished. And 2023, for multiple reasons, was a very big year for us.

We designed and built sophisticated devices for some of the biggest technology companies in the world. (We really wish we could share that news, but under NDA we cannot. We can tell you that our last shipment, which took place in December, required two large transport trucks.)

And while that was certainly a highlight, there were many, many others. Let’s kick off our Year in Review with a device we’re very proud of, the InDro Backpack.

InDro Backpack



Designed for Unitree quadrupeds (InDro is a North American distributor), the Backpack mounts onto the Unitree GO1 EDU, GO2, B1 and B2 robots. And it vastly expands their capabilities. 

First off, the Backpack enables data-dense teleoperations over 5G with virtually zero lag. Using InDro’s dashboard and intuitive control system, you can remotely operate the Unitree robots from anywhere there’s a cellular connection at both ends.

But that’s not all. The Backpack contains the Robot Operating System (ROS) software libraries, along with multiple USB slots. This makes customising these robots with additional sensors a breeze, saving a lot of engineering time. The backpack also contains a pinhole camera, offering the operator a First Person View of operations. The customisable dashboard allows the user to see data flowing in from all sensors and overall system health.

This device, inspired by InDro Commander (which does the same thing for wheeled and tracked platforms), is 100 per cent an InDro innovation from the ground up. Take a look:

InDro BackPack



You may be familiar with the Ottawa International Airport’s Drone Detection Pilot Project. InDro Robotics is the core technology provider of the system, which monitors drone traffic not only immediately surrounding YOW, but from as far as 40 kilometres away.

In 2023, in addition to its regular monitoring, the system was involved with two high-profile events. First, the system detected someone flying a drone right at the airport, and in the vicinity of both a helicopter and an active runway. (This happened in December of 2022, but we could not publicly report on it until Transport Canada completed its investigation.)

The system located not only the drone (including its make and model), but the pilot as well. Police were dispatched, and Transport Canada ultimately imposed fines totalling $3021 for multiple violations of the CARs regulations. You can read our coverage here, as well as this take from Don Drones On.

The second significant event involved the visit to Canada by US President Joe Biden. Advance teams from the Secret Service and Air Force One visited YOW prior to the trip – and one of the first questions they had was whether YOW had a drone detection system in place. The system was carefully monitored during the arrival and departure of Air Force One. Thankfully, there were no incursions. Our story was picked up by sUAS News – and the CBC also covered the story:



Early this year, InDro Robotics received what we believe to be a first for a Canadian company: A US Federal Aviation Administration waiver permitting BVLOS flights for solar farm inspections in the United States.

Like our ground robots, our aerial robots are equipped for 5G teleoperation, so distance is no barrier. InDro ships the drone to the location, instructs the recipient on how to power on and visually observe – and we carry out the flight. Since receiving this waiver, we have carried out highly successful solar farm inspections in the US.

Here’s a look at how the system works.



This headline has two meanings. The first is that we were flying sub-250 gram drones continuously for several hours in a relay-like fashion. When the batteries on one drone started to drain, a second was put in the air. So it was kind of a marathon in terms of continuous drone operation.

But the bigger meaning relates to the annual Montreal Marathon. InDro Robotics was called in to take part in a research trial. It was known from previous marathons that there were specific locations where runners tended to encounter difficulties and even collapse. But with no surveillance from above, it took time both to identify a runner in distress and also pinpoint their precise location.

The drones we put in the air provided an uninterrupted live feed to a tent where they were continuously watched on large-screen monitors. Sure enough, the live video did help detect and locate runners who needed assistance. You can find our story here. It was also picked up by COPA – the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association. Their coverage is here.

Below: Our crew kept sub-250 gram drones in the air for hours at the Montreal Marathon.



A major international company (a household name, truly), asked us to build a robot for them. Specifically, a research robot they could deploy in crowds of people. Engineering lead Arron Griffiths explains:

“The client wants to use Vision SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) to essentially detect humans and pathways through chaotic environments,” he says.

“Think malls, shopping centres…where humans are mingling to navigate around. And there’s no really defined path, the robot must organically move around people. Yes, you’d have an overall predetermined path with a desired destination, but once the chaos of humans comes in the robot would safely meander its way through crowds.”

The client was so pleased with the result they agreed to allow us to show the finished product. You’ll note the height – which was necessary so that sensors could be placed at roughly eye-level of the humans it avoids. You can find more technical details about the project here.

This is a perfect example of one of InDro’s key functions: A client comes to us with an idea for a product that has not yet been created. In deep consultation – and with plenty of updates along the way – InDro designs, builds, tests and ultimately delivers the finished product.

Below: The robot navigates crowds along a boardwalk

Robotic Innovations



June saw the opening of the new Drone and Advanced Robot Training and Testing centre, or DARTT, at Area X.O in Ottawa. The state-of-the-art facility was funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) and in-kind industry contributions from InDro Robotics.

DARTT is the first facility of its kind in Canada, built from the ground up for the testing of ground robots (wheeled, tracked, quadrupeds and bipeds) and drones. The robot testing area consists of multiple sets of obstacles build to specific criteria set out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Robots can be tested on various uneven surfaces, through varying aggregates (sand, gravel, etc.) and through water. There’s even an incline ramp that can be adjusted to test the ability of robots to climb.

InDro operates the facility, helping to test the limits of robots – and their operators. DARTT also contains a large netted enclosure for testing new drone technologies that might otherwise require a Special Flight Operations Certificate from Transport Canada. (Plus, the top of that large enclosure can serve as a safety net when testing drone parachutes.)

InDro offers flight reviews and advanced and specialised drone and robot training at the site. We are also planning to launch a series of Micro-Credential courses in 2024, allowing for short-duration, intensive training in specific drone technology skills.

You’ll find a more thorough story about DARTT here, as well as a video below.



It’s not uncommon for InDro to be approached to participate in research trials involving drones (the Montreal Marathon is but one example), but also in emergency situations. This year saw both.

When wildfires threatened many regions in British Columbia, the City of Kelowna contacted InDro. Might we be able to assist in mapping some of the damage? And could we use thermal sensors to detect hotspots that might be smouldering beneath a landfill?

We jumped into action quickly, selecting our partners at Spexi Geospatial to carry out the flights using their special software. That system allows the pilot to select an hexagonal area of interest (a “Spexigon”), and the drone will take off and carry out the mission autonomously. It will ensure that photos are taken at the correct intervals and a consistent altitude so the back-end stitching goes seamlessly. Plus, a pilot can fly multiple Spexigons in a single mission, allowing all of that data to produce imagery at scale. Resolution is very high, at 3 cm/pixel.

During one 2023 mission, “over 10,000 acres of imagery was captured in three days,” says Spexi COO Alec Wilson.

“We’ve made it super simple to get images in and out at scale… And we’re super-excited to be able to start building bigger and better platforms for the drone industry.”

InDro has invested in Spexi Geospatial, as we can see the value of automated image capture at scale. Already, Spexigon has carried out trials where it has captured two entire BC cities in a matter of days, with much bigger projects on the horizon.

You can read more about our work in Kelowna here, and more about Spexi here.

Below: Spexi COO Alec Wilson speaking in Ottawa at the Aerial Evolution Association of Canada’s annual conference.

Alec Wilson Spexi



InDro has previously teamed up with the National Research Council of Canada on research projects. For example, we’ve pushed several drones to their limits in the NRC’s wind tunnel in Ottawa to compare the ability of drones to withstand high winds when compared with the manufacturer’s specifications.

This year, the NRC asked if we could help with an even more challenging project: Measuring urban wind tunnels.

The NRC is interested in how drones react in urban settings, where windspeeds can be greatly influenced by architecture. Tall buildings in close proximity can turn a stiff breeze into something approaching a gale, along with producing wind shear, strong vortices and other invisible threats to drone flight.

But just because you can’t see these unusual air patterns doesn’t mean you can’t measure them. In conjunction with the NRC, we outfitted an InDro drone with two small, highly sensitive anemometers that measure windspeed. They were mounted on a wishbone-like device, allowing the sensors to be clear of prop-wash for more accurate measurement. One anemometer was mounted vertically, while the other was angled horizontally. This allows researchers to measure the precise angle of the wind, including localised updrafts and other anomalies.

Chief Pilot Eric Saczuk was the Pilot-in-Command on these challenging operations, which took place over multiple days in Montreal. The data will not only help researchers understand and predict the impact of urban wind tunnels, but may also result in useful guidelines for companies flying drones in urban environments.

 (We also carried out some research flights in Vancouver Harbour, flying through a specific corridor near congested airspace, all while measuring the quality of 5G signals throughout the flight.)

You can read about the NRC wind tunnel research in greater detail here. The image below shows the drone with both anemometers attached.

NRC Wind Tunnel Montreal Eric



One of the major highlights of the year involves InDro Robotics now offering a plethora of new fabrication and design services. In a strategic partnership with Invest Ottawa, what was known as the Bayview Yards Prototyping Lab is now called InDro Forge and under the management of InDro Robotics.

The facility is equipped with a wide array of additive and subtractive manufacturing capabilities, including:

  • CNC machining
  • Silicone and urethane casting
  • Multi-element 3D printing (including metal)
  • Electronics and Printed Circuit Board fabrication and analysis

There’s even a water jet table capable of cutting through several inches of steel.

The facility offers services ranging from one-off prototypes to design and full product development. If you can dream it; InDro Forge can build it.

Some of our other clients come to us where they have an early prototype that they’ve cobbled together. It tells them that their idea is possible but it’s not a product yet,” says InDro Forge lead Joel Koscielski. “So we’ll help them turn that into a more refined version of itself. We might do one of those, we might do five – even 25.”

Projects can be big – or small.

“Sometimes it’s just that extra bit of capacity – they themselves have never had to make a sheet metal box that looks good,” adds Koscielski.

In addition to serving clients in need of prototypes, Minimum Viable Products and limited production runs, InDro also now has the ability to fabricate in virtually any material for our own projects – which will shorten timelines.

Below: A powerful water jet table at InDro Forge. It uses high-pressure water mixed with an exceedingly fine aggregate to cut through pretty much anything with precision

Advanced Manufacturing



Another of our 2023 milestones was the design and fabrication of what we call the Street Smart Robot. Its purpose is to ensure safe winter cycling.

Canadian cyclists are a hardy bunch, and many of them don’t let the winter season stop them from utilizing bike lanes. But with winter comes hazards – ice, potholes, debris – that can pose a threat to a safe cycling experience. The Street Smart Robot (SSR) has been built to drive through bike lanes autonomously – while scanning for the above hazards and more. Once it detects an anomaly, City of Ottawa (where it’s being tested) maintenance crews will be notified.

“The idea behind the robot is we want to prolong the use of bike lanes in Ottawa, but also ensure the safety of bike lanes in Ottawa,” explains Indro Robotics Account Executive Luke Corbeth.

“There’s really two parts to this: The first is a machine vision element to see if conditions are good enough for biking – no ice, not too many leaves, etc. On the safety side, the Street Smart Robot is more concerned with detecting things like potholes and cracks. And the idea is if you’re able to identify those things, the right resources can be deployed faster and more efficiently to solve the problem in a timely manner.”




The SSR came about thanks to a research and development fund called the Wintertech Development Program. Its purpose is to support “Ontario small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and their partners to validate, test, prototype, and demonstrate new products and technologies designed to meet the unique demands of winter weather conditions.” InDro matched the funds via the work it carried out.

Wintertech is run by OVIN, the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network. That’s a province of Ontario initiative which “capitalizes on the economic potential of advanced automotive technologies and smart mobility solutions such as connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), and electric and low-carbon vehicle technologies, while enabling the province’s transportation and infrastructure networks to plan for and adapt to this evolution.”

There’s a *lot* of technology packed into the SSR, including sensors and compute power to ensure both obstacle avoidance and AI/Machine Vision recognition of potential threats. Technology onboard includes:

  • Front and rear-facing depth cameras that perceive in 3D
  • Two 2D LiDAR units for obstacle avoidance and safety
  • Two 3D LiDAR sensors for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
  • GPS and Inertial Measurement Unit
  • Range finder to detect the height and position of hazards like tree branches on the path

There’s a lot more to this machine, and you can find all the details here. InDro will be testing the IP67 robot in early 2024, once there’s plenty of snow and ice in Ottawa.

Below: A brief video highlights the Street Smart Robot, unveiled at TCXpo in September.



September brought the second annual TCXpo event to Area X.O. It’s Canada’s premiere showcase of Smart Mobility, with leading technology companies from across the country demonstrating their products. This year saw more than 75 firms take part with active demos, static displays, and plenty of learning sessions.

The event was sponsored by Transport Canada (that’s the “TC” in “TCXpo”), along with Invest Ottawa and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).

InDro was kept busy with running demos of the new DARTT facility, putting ground robots through demanding obstacle courses and flying drones inside the netted enclosures. There were plenty of other cool demonstrations and displays, ranging from a self-driving tractor through to a remotely operated hang-glider intended for heavy cargo deliveries.

As Michael Tremblay, who was then President and CEO of Invest Ottawa, Area X.O and Bayview Yards, put it: “We’ve got incredible capability right across the country.”

It’s a great event, and one that truly highlights that the era of Smart Mobility is firmly en route. Kudos to the organizers for putting on such a great show.

Below: A few images from the 2023 TCXpo, including the InDro Robotics Ottawa team behind some of our many robots. That’s followed by a video highlighting the event.




There’s actually a *lot* more, but we know you’ve got other things to do in 2024. So just a final few highlights:


  • InDro forged a new partnership (and product) in conjunction with Tallysman on a super-accurate GNSS solution for ground robots
  • We refined our popular InDro Commander, an InDro innovation that enables remote teleoperation and the rapid integration of sensors. A smaller Commander is en route soon!
  • We welcomed – and are modifying – new robots from Unitree and AgileX (InDro distributes products from both companies)
  • We have a new Robot Operating System (ROS) drone (more to come on that soon)
  • We’ve been working hard on a new automated inventory management system, designed to simplify warehouse supply chain management




Finally, InDro attended a number of major conferences and exhibitions throughout the year. We displayed and demonstrated our products at many of them, and forged partnerships at others. Among the many events we took part in:

There were more, of course. But these were the highlights.

Below: Unitree’s new “Digit” biped robot, at IROS in Detroit

Unitree's new Digit biped



Every year at InDro Robotics is busy, with many milestones reached. But 2023 was a little bit different. There were more projects, more milestones, new partnerships – and more clients. The company continued to scale, with the hiring of many more engineers and supply chain/admin staff.

The addition of InDro Forge is a highly significant addition to our portfolio, offering rapid prototyping and custom fabrication for clients, as well as new onsite capabilities for our own projects. And, because this post focussed exclusively on InDro Robotics, we didn’t even get into the amazing things happening at sister companies Aerometrix (which focuses on gas detection) and Bravo Zulu Secure, our drone detection/mitigation operation. Look forward to hearing more about those companies in 2024.

“2023 was an exceptional year at InDro. The company continued to scale, and our engineering team yet again outdid itself with new products, new milestones – and continued commitment to hard work and innovation,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece.

“Our management and sales teams also pushed the envelope, bringing in major ongoing projects that we look forward to revealing in 2024. And our marketing and content leads made great inroads in getting out the word about what InDro’s been doing, along with our continued growth trajectory. I’m grateful to all of our staff, our clients, and our many partners – with a special thanks to Area X.O, Invest Ottawa, and YOW. Here’s to 2024!”

On behalf of everyone at InDro Robotics, we wish you a Happy, healthy, and productive New Year.

As always, if you’d like to get in touch feel free to contact us here.


Good dogs: A look at the newest Unitree quadrupeds

Good dogs: A look at the newest Unitree quadrupeds

By Scott Simmie

When people think of robots, they often picture industrial robotic arms doing repetitive work on assembly lines: Precision welding, picking and placing objects – those sorts of applications. Or perhaps a wheeled platform carrying a load from one location in a factory to another.

In recent years, however, new algorithms and technologies have led to an increase in the number of quadruped robots. These are the four-legged devices that inevitably remind observers of dogs, since they have roughly the same shape and move with a similar gait. They’re also (depending on the robot) roughly the same size as medium to large dog breeds.

The most well-known of these is likely Spot, built by Boston Dynamics. Built primarily for industrial inspections, this machine has also taken the spotlight (excuse the pun) with choreographed performances with the likes of Cirque du Soleil.

In fact, videos of Spot dancing proved so viral that Boston Dynamics produced a video to clarify that its robot is capable of much more:



Why four legs? Why not just wheels, like most mobile robotic platforms?

Good question. And we put that to InDro Robotics Account Executive Luke Corbeth.

“In most predictable environments, wheels or tracks will suffice,” he says.

“Quadrupeds excel at unpredictable terrain. You can start looking at complex infrastructure like refineries, where there might be stairs or pipes that need to be stepped over. Quadrupeds are also suitable for Search and Rescue, where there might be rubble on the ground or potentially unsafe conditions. Robots like these are very good at navigating terrain that would be impossible for a robot with wheeled or tracked locomotion.”




Unitree Robotics is one of a small but growing number of firms specializing in these robots. Its founder is Wang Xinxing, an engineer who started working on quadrupeds roughly a decade ago at Shanghai University. He built his first quadruped, XDog, by designing and building virtually everything, including motor drive boards, the master-slave architecture, the legs – and more.

All that hard work led to the founding of Unitree in 2016. And Wang and his team of engineers have never stopped trying to push the envelope. As the Unitree website explains, the company puts a heavy emphasis on R&D:

“Unitree attaches great importance to independent research and development and technological innovation, fully self-researching key core robot components such as motors, reducers, controllers, LiDAR and high-performance perception and motion control algorithms, integrating the entire robotics industry chain, and reaching global technological leadership in the field of quadruped robots. At present, we have applied for more than 150 domestic patents and granted more than 100 patents, and we are a national high-tech certified enterprise.”

We’re going to explore two new models from Unitree in just a moment, but it’s worth taking a look back at the early days. This video was uploaded seven years ago – after XDog was already in development for more than a year.




One of the new Unitree quadrupeds is the GO2. This is a step up from the GO1 EDU, which has been popular for research and development, corporate innovation parks, and even entertainment. (Yes, like Spot, the GO series can also dance – but they also do *much* more than that.)

The GO2 is a significant redesign from the GO1 series. Unitree has dropped some of the multiple cameras from the GO1 and developed its own LiDAR module, called the L1. It features a 360° x 90° hemispherical capture. With a minimal blind spot, Unitree says the GO2 is 200 per cent better at recognizing its surroundings than the GO1 series. It can detect surroundings as close as .05m away.

Because of the LiDAR, it’s obviously capable of mapping even unfamiliar surroundings and avoiding obstacles, meaning it’s perfect for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) applications. In conjunction with that LiDAR, the GO2 features the new NVIDIA Orin Nano for powerful onboard AI-enhanced EDGE computing

“From my experience, the LiDAR does a much better job at SLAM than the depth cameras on the previous models,” says Corbeth. “The obstacle avoidance is really good out-of-the-box and it can obviously be improved on with development (GO2 is Open Source). And the Orin is a really notable upgrade when it comes to computing power.”




One of the more intriguing features is that the GO2 is integrated with Chat GPT and can respond to voice commands. You could ask it to explain Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and it would speak the answer to you. More useful, though, is that you can instruct the GO2 to carry out certain tasks by voice.

“If you say: ‘Hey, go back to where I first turned you on,’ then it’s going to return home. So that’s a practical use. This is one of the first robots that can accept voice commands out-of-the-box and literally action some of those voice commands.”

You can even ask GO2, viat Chat GPT, to generate code for new tasks. Think about that for a moment.

It’s also capable of wireless charging. The GO2 can rest itself on a small optional pad and be ready for its next mission without human intervention. There’s also an option for a servo arm if a manipulator is useful for your application. It’s faster than the GO1 EDU, capable of trotting along at 5 metres/second. The GO2 also has a significantly longer run time – between two and four hours, depending on how strenuously it’s working. Battery capacity and endurance have jumped by 150 per cent compared to the previous model.

“The locomotion – their internal algorithm for how the robot moves – is much improved. So it can go faster, it’s more reliable, it’s quieter,” adds Corbeth. Firmware upgrades are OTA (over the air), with user authorisation. The GO2 connects via 4G, Wi-FI6 and Bluetooth.

Unitree Go2 Quadruped



Though the GO2 could be used for basic industrial applications, it’s intended more for R&D and education (there’s even the option of drag-and-drop block coding). InDro Robotics is also capable of modifying the robot with our InDro Backpack – which enables data-dense 5G operation with an easy-to-use dashboard and comprehensive documentation. The Backpack also contains USB slots for additional sensors, as well as the Robot Operating System (ROS) code necessary for seamless integration.

“Anything the GO1 could do, the GO2 can do better, faster, longer,” says Corbeth.

There are even variants available – the GO2 Enterprise and GO2 Enterprise Plus – with some additional bells and whistles intended for law enforcement, Search and Rescue and other First Responder applications. Those features include dual backup communication links, a searchlight and emergency flashing lights, an additional camera and the ability for two-way voice communication.

Here’s a look at the basic GO2 in action:



Unitree’s other new quadruped is the B2. It’s an incredibly powerful, enterprise-level machine that can be deployed in even the most demanding conditions. Use-cases include:

  • Industrial asset monitoring and surveillance
  • Search and Rescue/First Responder work
  • Carrying heavy payloads/cargo over even rough terrain
  • Working in water (Ingress Protection rating IP67)

Capable of moving at 6 metres per second (21.6 km/hour), Unitree says the B2 is the world’s fastest enterprise-level quadruped.

“That’s really fast – like ridiculously fast,” says InDro’s Corbeth.

“The B2 is designed less for development and more for real commercial applications. It’s also Open Source, which differentiates it from quadrupeds like Spot, or those made by Ghost Robotics,  ANYmal, etc. So we have the option to deploy proprietary software on it that we’ve built and designed, or our partners have built and designed.”

Like its predecessor the B1, the size of the B2 is striking. It weighs 60 kg and measures 1098mm x 450mm x 645mm.

B2 Robot



Straight from the box, the B2 is ready for a variety of use-cases. With strength and endurance, this machine has been tested carrying a 45 kilogram load 7.98 kilometres on a single charge (or 20kg more than 15 km). If it’s not carrying a load, it can walk more than 20 kilometres non-stop.

The B2 can handle slopes of 45° with ease, even in rough terrain. It can even walk on greasy or oil-covered floors without falling down. (You’ll see an impressive demo involving banana peels shortly.)

Unitree has measured a 170 per cent improvement in joint performance over the B1, with 360 Nm (Newton-metres, or 265.5 foot-pounds) of torque. Run-time is vastly improved, with the B2 capable of operating between four and six hours on a mission (depending on terrain, payload and speed). The heavy-duty battery is designed for rapid swapouts, and the option of autonomous wireless charging via pad is an option.

From the factory, the B2 is equipped with a 32-wire automotive-grade LiDAR, two depth cameras, a high-resolution optical camera, and a high-capacity 45Ah (2250Wh) battery.

“And the B2 can be further customized, either directly from the factory or by InDro Robotics for specific use-case scenarios,” says Account Executive Corbeth. “We can integrate additional sensors, including thermal and even gas-detecting modules according to client needs. And, of course, we can also outfit the B2 with the InDro Robotics Backpack, which enables 5G operation and allows for rapid integration of additional sensors.”

All of those are great options to have, but Corbeth emphasizes “this quadruped is also capable of starting work straight out of the box.”




Make no mistake. This robot has been built to thrive in punishing conditions, including operating in water. It’s also very strong, capable of bearing a load of 120kg while standing. Control and perception are managed by multiple processors, including an NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX, three Intel Core i7s and an Intel Core i5. (These can vary if you’re looking for a custom factory build.) Plus, of course, InDro has expertise in modifying all of the Unitree quadrupeds pending client needs.

“InDro Robotics does have the ability to outfit these with any sensors that aren’t standard from Unitree,” explains Corbeth.

Plus, there’s also the option of wheels. The lower legs can be swapped out with wheeled versions. If the B2 is operating on flat terrain these are more efficient than walking.

“This option combines the best of both worlds between a legged and a wheeled robot – you get the speed and efficiency of a wheeled robot, yet with the other legs it can also climb stairs and manage rubble or other obstacles on the ground,” he adds.

And how does this new machine compare to the competition? Unitree says its measured parameters are superior – and there’s agreement from Corbeth.

“Compared with Spot, ANYmal and Ghost Robotics, I think we’re very competitive on the hardware side. I actually think Unitree has got to the point hardware-wise where it’s now superior to pretty much all the other options.”

Have a look for yourself:



As a North American distributor for Unitree, we obviously have faith in their products. We’ve also been partnered long enough to see the company’s commitment to continuously and meticulously advancing its products. These are excellent and durable quadrupeds, as our many clients will attest.

InDro also takes pride in supplementing Unitree’s documentation to get clients up and running quickly, and on those rare occasions when something goes wrong – we know how to repair them.

“Unitree is quickly becoming a world leader in the quadruped sector,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece.

“The new models are exceptionally well-built, with significant gains in power, run-time and processing abilities. Plus, add-ons like the InDro Backpack make these quadrupeds even more versatile for virtually any use-case scenario.”

Interested? Get in touch with us HERE to arrange a demo.

Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium attends Dubai Airshow

Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium attends Dubai Airshow

By Scott Simmie


Ever been to a *really* big airshow?

The two best-known take place in the UK and France on alternating years. One is the Farnborough International Airshow (been there twice), and the Paris Airshow (Salon du Bourget). From the biggest passenger-carrying jets in the world down to the tiniest fastener, these massive events include every element in the aerospace supply chain (and then some). From Airbus to Rolls Royce, in-flight entertainment systems to military-spec rivets, you’ll find them there.

One of the other major global events is the Dubai Airshow. With more than 1400 exhibitors and 180+ aircraft on flying or static display, it’s also a must-attend.

This year’s event took place November 13-17, and one of the key themes was the rapidly approaching era of Advanced Air Mobility. That’s the world where transformative and sustainable aircraft (including air taxis) will play a role in transporting goods and people both within major cities and to smaller communities not currently served by traditional aviation. Many if not most of these new aircraft are being designed for eventual autonomous operation.

Canada, of course, has a stake in this new world. In fact, we recently wrote about the purchase by Vancouver’s Helijet of an eVTOL aircraft (a BETA Technologies ALIA 250) for crewed operations in British Columbia. So we were pleased to see that the Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium (CAAM) attended – and presented at – the Dubai Airshow.


Dubai AAM



Formed in 2019, CAAM is the national voice representing Advanced Air Mobility in Canada. With 70+ members spanning industry, government, academia and associations, CAAM plays a crucial role in this emerging sector. Its stated vision is to create “A unified national strategy for Zero-Emission Advanced Air Mobility with regional implementation in Canada.” And its mission?

“To build an ecosystem of national collaboration in creating and operating a sustainable, equitable and profitable Advanced Air Mobility industry in Canada.”

CAAM is led by Executive Director JR Hammond, who represented the organization – and by extension, Canada – at the Dubai Airshow. We asked him for his own short definition of AAM:

“It changes our concept of how we move people, goods and resources across our cities and regions. With these new aircraft we no longer are constrained to just railways, marine or ground transportation,” he says.

Dubai was Hammond’s first international air show – and it left quite an impression.

“We were blown away not only by the representation of Advanced Air Mobility in the RPAS sector, but how leading organizations globally – Asia, North America and Europe – brought aircraft and technology to the Middle East to showcase. This bubbling of activity globally is only expediting our operational pathways.”

Below: The Archer Aviation Midnight, an electric AAM vehicle capable of flying 160 kilometres (100 miles). The aircraft has been optimized for shorter flights of roughly 32 km (20 miles) with a charge time between flights of just 12 minutes.





The spark for the trip came from CAAM’s national board, says Hammond. It suggested to the executive team it would be worthwhile for the organization to have a greater presence at global gatherings – and specifically at air shows.

While a lot of AAM attention focuses on the impressive emerging aircraft technology, Hammond says there are a number of pillars that must be aligned for Advanced Air Mobility to truly take flight. Obviously, there’s the Uncrewed Traffic Management aspect – the safe integration of pilotless aircraft into traditional airspace.

But there are many other challenges CAAM has been exploring and believes are integral to the future success of AAM.

“There’s a lot of other pillars that countries and different delegations are not focusing on – like the insurance industry, or the cyber security aspect of communication. So we were tasked by the board to showcase Canada – how we can bring all of these different pillars to the global scale. A lot of these nations are not doing this and they’re seeing the challenges.

“The great example given is United Arab Emirates, which arguably is one of the leaders in AAM with their Drone Up operations… They have not focused on how they’re going to integrate this into conventional airspace, how they’re going to bring this on with different telecommunication providers and insurance providers. That’s what we’re focusing on right now and they were learning a lot from us.”

Below: JR Hammond (holding microphone) onstage during one of two sessions where he was a panelist. The first was “Pathway to eVTOL commercialisation” and the second was “Advanced aerial cargo delivery advancements.”


JR Hammond CAAM Dubai



There’s a lot of work ahead.

Obviously, there’s the development, validation and certification of aircraft. Though there are some full-scale designs now operational (such as the EHang EH216-S, which was certified in October by the Civil Aviation Administration of China), many companies are still working with scale models or Minimum Viable Products. Certification through agencies like the FAA is, by necessity, a methodical and demanding process that takes years.

There’s also the question of how to safely integrate these new vehicles into airspace currently used by traditional aviation. Will there be specific low-level flight corridors set aside for smaller AAM aircraft/RPAS in urban settings? (Mostly likely yes, and almost certainly in Canada and the US. In fact, InDro is involved in some of the research and test flights for this).

Will there be rules around where and how many Vertiports (takeoff and landing sites for eVTOL aircraft) can be established in cities? Will certain use-cases, such as urgent medical deliveries, take priority in the early phase of adoption to build public acceptance? What role in standards and operational guidelines will the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ultimately play?

And then there are those pillars JR Hammond alluded to: Communications, insurance, cyber-security and more.

It sounds like a lot to overcome – and it is. And that’s why conversations and panels like those which took place in Dubai are so critical as the move to AAM begins to accelerate.

“Even though we are all at different stages, the amount of collaboration already occurring in saying: ‘We need to solve this together’ was by far greater than anything than I’ve ever seen before in aerospace or business,” says Hammond.

So the commitment and collaborative spirit is there.

Dubai Hammond AAM



There is a consensus, particularly with passenger-carrying aircraft, that the jump to autonomous flight won’t be immediate. There will be a graduated approach, starting with a pilot on board those aircraft. It’s anticipated early flights will be manually controlled, then monitored by a pilot still capable of taking over if required.

“In terms of autonomy, any market entry piece will happen with a pilot on board with full control and an augmented system similar to the autopilot systems that we have on commercial airliners today,” says Hammond.

“Then, as regulations and social acceptance and – of course – our policies increase, then we can move upwards on our autonomy scales towards that ‘human in the loop’ and then of course autonomous aircraft at some point in the future.”

But, says Hammond, it will be cargo deliveries – both intra-urban and inter-regional – that will come first.

“We need autonomous operations today in the cargo space before we even have a chance at the passenger space… And more resources and more efforts are needed to solve out what those air corridors can look like, with autonomous aircraft operating in our conventional airspace.”

Below: Mid-sized drones like this, carrying medical or other critical supplies, will likely be the vanguard of the transition to AAM.

Dubai Hammond AAM



With a variety of InDro Robotics delivery drones – including a model proven in trials for temperature-sensitive medical deliveries between hospitals – InDro has a vested interest in the AAM future. But it’s not just about us – far from it.

“I believe AAM will be truly transformative – and I’m not talking about the delivery of coffee and bagels to someone’s back yard,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece.

“Advanced Air Mobility will mean that critical – and even life-saving – products can be quickly and safely transported across cities and to nearby regions in a fraction of the time of traditional ground delivery. It’s going to mean that people in some remote and isolated communities will be able to board regular or on-demand flights for the first time ever,” he adds.

“Plus, sustainable flight will play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions at a time when such measures are very much needed.”

We were pleased to see JR Hammond and CAAM representing Canada’s AAM interests – and solutions – on a global stage. (And, if this is your first introduction to AAM and CAAM, you can find out more in our primer here.)

All images, with the exception of JR Hammond on the panel, courtesy of Dubai Airshow.