InDro Robotics launches powerful new Sentinel UGV

InDro Robotics launches powerful new Sentinel UGV

By Scott Simmie


InDro has taken the wraps off its latest innovation – the all-new Sentinel Uncrewed Ground Vehicle.

Sentinel has been built for inspection, remote teleoperation and surveillance over 5G and 4G networks. Its robust build has been designed to take demanding weather and ground conditions in stride, while capturing virtually any kind of data across a broad range of use-cases.

“That’s what really excites me about Sentinel,” says Head of R&D Sales Luke Corbeth. “It can be used across multiple verticals, ranging from remotely inspecting assets like electrical sub-stations, through to agriculture, mining and more. It’s a workhorse.”

We could list all the sensors and processors onboard (and we will), but it’s the synergy here that counts.

“Sentinel has been very purposely designed and integrated so that virtually anyone can carry out highly complex missions with ease,” explains InDro Vice President Peter King. “And with our InDro Autonomy stack onboard, Sentinel can carry out tasks completely on its own for up to four hours before returning to wirelessly recharge at its base.”

That workhorse is the result of a lot of R&D by our Area X.O engineering team – and also the logical step forward from our original Sentinel V1. That was our original design for remote teleoperated inspection.

But, as you likely know by now, at InDro the innovation never stops.

Below: The new InDro Sentinel, carrying out an autonomous mission

InDro Sentinel



What truly sets Sentinel apart from the competition is the synergy of two innovations we’re quite proud of: InDro Commander and InDro Controller. And while Sentinel takes full advantage of these products, they are both robot-agnostic.

InDro Commander is a module that houses Sentinel’s brain – and allows for the seamless integration and power management of other sensors. With multiple USB slots and ROS1 and ROS2 libraries onboard, it makes modifying Sentinel a pleasure rather than a pain. You can, quite simply, plug in a new sensor and it will be detected; no complex coding or wiring required.

“Having Commander on board allows clients to easily modify their robots with different sensors for different applications. This is particularly appealing to those in the R&D community,” says Engineering Lead Arron Griffiths.

Commander also connects with 5G at near-zero latency for remote teleoperations or monitoring dense data during autonomous missions.

“Whether it’s 4G, 5G or WiFi, it does it all,” he adds.

With two state-of-the-art EDGE processors onboard, Commander also has the compute power and AI to take on anything. For autonomy, we’ve integrated the NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin – a powerful 64GB developer kit. It’s capable of AI calculations at the astounding speed of 275 trillion operations per second (TOPS). Our InDro Autonomy Stack is embedded in Commander for precision autonomous missions. We’ve also outfitted Sentinel with a Realtime Kinematic (RTK) sensor for centimetre-level positioning accuracy.

The other EDGE processor is the ZED Box, which contains an NVIDIA Orin NX (100 TOPS). This carries out multiple tasks, but is specially built to work with depth-perception ZED cameras. There are two of these cameras on board Sentinel, used for AI obstacle detection and avoidance.

Below: A LiDAR-equipped InDro Commander module

Teleoperated Robots



InDro Controller is our custom-built dashboard, and it’s been designed to match perfectly with InDro Commander for an exceedingly powerful but user-friendly means of programming and monitoring missions, robot health, sensor data and more. Operators can easily customize to get precisely the layout they want.

“The dashboard, the cameras, the heads-up display on the autonomous missions – those all can be customised,” says Front End Developer RJ Bundy. “We’re also adding other personal user customisations, like a light and dark mode, metric conversion, schedule missions – all the kinds of features you could want.”

The software resides in Commander and is accessed remotely via an encrypted login system. No one will ever see your missions and data except you – and those you grant the same secure access. (Yes, multiple users can simultaneously monitor a remote operation from locations across the country or across the globe.)

“We’ve created an interface that makes it very hard for a third party to intercept any of those commands or the data coming from the robot to you,” says Bundy.

And while it’s a perfect fit with Sentinel, InDro Controller can be used with any robot.

“It’s an all-in-one data visualization, robot management and robot control software,” he adds. “Whether you’re a student first learning how to use a robot or you’re a commercial giant, you’d be able to manage and maintain all of your robots.”

He’s not kidding. You can intuitively control Sentinel – or any other robot – using an Xbox controller. We’ve done demonstrations more than 4,000 km away from Area X.O where we’ve simply put a controller in someone’s hands. With imperceptible lag, they’re able to operate the robot. (Plus, you can customise the buttons for specific sensor features like pan, tilt, zoom, etc.)

Autonomous missions – including complex actions like stopping at a precise location, tilting a camera to a gauge and then zooming in and capturing the readout – are easily plotted using Controller. Once your mission has been set with multiple waypoints and actions, it’s a single click to repeat it. (And, of course, you can save as many different missions as required.)

The InDro Autonomy stacks are pre-loaded, meaning location doesn’t really matter.

“We have a GPS-based autonomy – which is better for outdoors – and then we have a SLAM- (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) based autonomy which is ideal for indoors,” says Head of R&D Sales Corbeth.

There are actually two versions of InDro Controller available; a simpler version is still full-featured but does not ship with InDro Autonomy, meaning it’s ideal for those in the R&D space who want to test their own autonomy software. Several academic institutions have already been using this version, and feedback has been excellent.

And the best news? Both versions will only become even more sophisticated over time.

“We’re heavily invested in continuously improving the software,” says Corbeth. “So regardless of which version you’re shipped, know that this is something that InDro Robotics is constantly developing and improving with client feedback in mind to ultimately provide the best mission planning, teleoperations and development software tool in the robotics industry.”

Below: A screenshot from InDro Controller, showing the path of an autonomous mission; the second image shows realtime data flowing through its customizable dashboard

Robot Teleoperation
Teleoperations with Robots


It’s already clear Sentinel has the brains. But it also has the brawn to match. Whether the task is inspection, surveillance or other forms of data acquisition, Sentinel has been designed from the ground up to consistently deliver. Featuring a 1500-watt dual drive system and tracks for locomotion, it’s ready for any terrain – from industrial environments through to farm fields and even snow and ice.

With a 120kg load capacity and 30° climbing angle, Sentinel can power its way over pretty much anything. We’ve even designed and manufactured custom metal guards to prevent stones from getting their way between the drive gears and the treads – a common issue with tracked vehicles.

That strength is supplemented by a comprehensive array of sensors for obstacle detection, Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM), high-resolution photos and video – and more.



For starters, there’s a 30x optical Point-Tilt-Zoom camera that can be manually operated via the InDro Controller UI. Every time the pilot stops and captures data, all of that information – robot position, camera angle, zoom settings etc. are stored as a Point of Interest. All of those POIs from that initial manual mission are saved, meaning the next time Sentinel is deployed the operator can simply recall the mission and launch Sentinel for an autonomous run.

In fact, we recently did a demo of Sentinel for a government official. We had previously captured photos of five different objects on a path at Area X.O and had saved that mission. During the demo, the robot deployed and autonomously stopped at all five locations, replicating the original shots. This is the kind of feature that’s exceedingly helpful for spotting anomalies, change detection, etc. Of course, the built-in AI can also identify people, cars, trucks, etc. (In fact, we could set Sentinel to trigger an alert if a human is spotted somewhere they’re not supposed to be, a useful feature for both safety and security applications.)

For the operator, whether they’re manually piloting or simply monitoring an autonomous mission, four pinhole cameras provide a 360° view of surroundings for situational awareness. Two ZED 3D depth cameras (one at the front, one at the rear) are on the constant lookout for obstacles. As an additional layer of safety, engineers added two 2D safety-rated LiDAR sensors specifically for detecting people or other objects that might unexpectedly move into Sentinel’s path. If that happens, the robot will automatically stop, then seek an alternate path around the person or object. (It can also be set to simply go to a dead stop.)

Sentinel is also outfitted with two powerful Robosense 3D LiDAR units, enabling it to operate in GPS-denied environments, capture precision scans – and basically understand even a completely unfamiliar environment. Robosense has become our LiDAR of choice, for the reasons outlined in this recent post.

Below: InDro recently built and shipped this fleet for swarm robotics research; all are equipped with Robosense LiDAR units

Robosense LiDAR Swarm



Using Sentinel for remote ops? Many of our clients will be. And there’s not much point in deploying a robot at a remote location if someone has to go and plug it in to charge or run diagnostics.

Sentinel returns autonomously to its home base, where a wireless charger awaits. The robot understands where it needs to position itself for optimal charging, snugging up close to (but not touching) the induction charging system. Many remotely operated robots rely on making a mechanical connection with charging equipment, which introduces wear-and-tear and additional points of failure.

“Mechanical charging systems fail a lot, and we wanted to avoid that,” explains InDro VP Peter King.

InDro Controller also carries out diagnostics remotely, reporting back on parameters such as latency, battery strength, sensor connection and other indicators of overall robot health. The operator can literally be hundreds (or even thousands) of kilometres from the robot and see its condition with a quick glance at the UI.

“Sentinel can be customised for any client directly by us,” says Engineering Lead Arron Griffiths. “But having Commander on board allows clients to easily modify their robots with different sensors for different applications. This is particularly appealing to those in the R&D community.”

Below: On the shoulders of giants – the original Sentinel V 1.0. InDro has incorporated new AI compute power, sensors and other learnings to take a massive leap forward

Sentinel Inspection Robot



The new Sentinel is more powerful, and more suitable to broader use-cases, than our first version of this robot. Don’t get us wrong; the original Sentinel was (and still is) a great machine. But this version is equipped with more powerful EDGE processing, and AI with greater capabilities. It’s also laden with additional and newer sensors, RTK positioning, and a more powerful base platform.

“The new Sentinel is a perfect fusion of industry-leading hardware and software – including InDro Commander, and the new InDro Controller and InDro Autonomy stacks,” says Indro Robotics Founder and CEO Philip Reece. “Our engineering team has put a lot of thought into making this robot capable of highly complex missions – yet easy to use and modify. Sentinel will be a perfect fit for multiple verticals and use-cases, and we look forward to our first deployments.”

Want to learn more about Sentinel – or even arrange to take it for a remote test drive? You can contact Head of R&D Sales Luke Corbeth here.

The new InDro Cortex: Amazing power in a tiny package

The new InDro Cortex: Amazing power in a tiny package

By Scott Simmie


The InDro Robotics engineering team, as always, has been hard at work. And we’re particularly pleased with our latest R&D breakthrough: The InDro command module, which we’ve named InDro Cortex.

It’s a small but exceedingly powerful box that will immediately enable robotic platforms to reach the next level. It’s robot-agnostic, meaning you can integrate Cortex with any ROS-based robot (which is pretty much all of them).

And what can it do?

A better question might be: What can’t it do? And the answer there is “not much.”

Below: An InDro Robotics Cortex mounted on a Unitree B2 quadruped. Cortex enables remote teleoperations, autonomous missions – and much more…

InDro Control Module ICM



There’s some important history here – which also tells you something about the InDro Robotics ethos.

In November of 2021, we released a very popular product. InDro Commander was developed in response to the needs of clients who wanted to be able to quickly turn a platform into a smart, easily customisable robot capable of teleoperation over 4G or 5G. From developers and academics through to large technology companies, our clients had been requesting such a solution. In fact, even in the development of our own products we identified the need for an all-in-one solution to speed robot integration and enable teleoperation.

“Our engineering team came up with the concept of the InDro Commander after integrating and customizing our own robots,” said Philip Reece, CEO of InDro Robotics, when the product was launched. “We realized there were hurdles common to all of them – so we designed and produced a solution. Commander vastly simplifies turning a platform into a fully functioning, teleoperated robot.”

Commander, as this webpage explains, “is designed to allow developers to quickly customize their own robotic solution. The following are common additions that can be easily added to any Commander-controlled robotic system: LiDAR (2D/3D), PTZ camera, thermal cameras, wireless charging, IMU, RTK.”

Commander, quite simply, takes the pain out of integration.

And how does it do that? Well, it ships with a powerful EDGE computer pre-loaded with ROS1 and ROS2 folders. It also contains multiple USB ports, allowing for the instant addition (and recognition of) pretty much any sensor you can throw at it. It allowed clients who were previously spending a ton of time on integration to simply attach Commander to the robot’s power supply, start plugging in sensors, and then remotely operate via a secure dashboard.

When it was first released, Engineering Lead Arron Griffiths dubbed it “ROS-in-a-Box.” We later changed that to Commander, but here’s the splashy video released at the time in advance of the big IROS show, where Commander made its debut:



At InDro, we have a motto of “Invent, Enhance, Deploy.” But deployment doesn’t mean we rest on our laurels. InDro’s engineers continuously look at ways to enhance existing products. And that’s exactly what we’ve done with Commander. We asked ourselves: How could we make this even better?

“InDro Cortex grew out of the idea of making a general purpose backpack/module that any OEM could put on their motorized product – everything from a ground robot to even a golf cart, drone, car, truck or RC platform,” says Engineering Lead Arron Griffiths. “That single module makes any platform ROS-enabled, AI-ready and 5G connected.”

A lot of work went into this. One of the biggest tasks was designing and developing four new boards that pack a lot of AI compute power (and other features) into a tiny space. There are separate boards for EDGE computing, teleoperation data transfer, and sensor integration. There’s also a separate WiFi system.

“And of course, it can run on either a public or private 5G network,” says InDro Vice President Peter King.

And did we say size matters? The small size of Cortex means it can be placed on virtually any robot – from the smallest quadruped to the largest AMR. It can even be fitted to a drone.

“It’s tiny so it fits on everything. So basically we can turn any platform into a very powerful robot without all the time and hassle,” adds King.

Below: Much of the magic of InDro Cortex lies in the design, development and testing of four new circuit boards:

InDro Control Module ICM



InDro Cortex is a powerful solution on its own. But pairing it with our new InDro Controller provides incredible synergy.

We just wrote a fairly comprehensive post about InDro Controller, so if you’d like more details you can check this out. But in a nutshell, InDro Controller is a powerful desktop UI for operating any robot. With a highly secure data connection, InDro Controller automatically senses all key parameters of any robotic device. It will automatically detect any sensors, providing a data feed from all of them with minimal latency.

“It can handle all sorts of data,” says Front-End Developer RJ Bundy. “It doesn’t matter if the robot has standard or custom sensors, InDro Controller can automatically detect and visualize them. For example, if you added a radar unit to an existing robot, the system will pick up on that immediately.”

InDro Controller provides the operator with a highly customisable dashboard for carrying out complex missions. It will also keep track of any missions manually carried out, and make them repeatable as autonomous missions.

And that autonomy? InDro has created two different autonomy software stacks. One is for outdoor missions that rely on GPS; the second is for indoor missions like SLAM in GPS-denied environments. That software comes with InDro Controller – and is also loaded onto the module. So the two key elements of this system – InDro Controller and InDro Cortex – have been made to operate seamlessly together.

Anyone should be able to configure and control Cortex for their product, and indeed, their solution,” says Griffiths.

Below: A look at the powerful InDro Controller UI dashboard. The Controller software has been created to be an ideal match for InDro Cortex and is easy to operate.

Teleoperations with Robots



We’re extraordinarily proud of the work our engineering team has put into Cortex – as well as InDro Controller. We believe these two, in combination, set a new bar for both robot integration and complex remote teleoperations.

“The design and creation of the boards used in Cortex was a significant technical challenge – and a significant achievement. The same can be said of our two new autonomy stacks,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece.

“Whether it’s a ground robot, a drone, or some other device that requires high processing power and minimal latency with all the features enabled by ROS, Cortex allows developers to quickly transform virtually any platform into a powerful autonomous robot with minimal effort.”

Interested in learning more? Of course you are. Contact our Head of R&D Sales, Luke Corbeth, right here.



New InDro Controller: A simple solution to complex robotics missions

New InDro Controller: A simple solution to complex robotics missions

By Scott Simmie


InDro Robotics – as always – has been hard at work on innovative new products. And we’re particularly proud of our latest accomplishment: The InDro Controller.

It’s an all-in-one solution for operating virtually any type of robot from a highly secure console. It’s completely robot-agnostic, very easy to use – and exceedingly powerful. We’ll get into the details as we go, but first let’s hear from Front End Developer RJ Bundy with an elevator pitch.

“It’s an all-in-one data visualization, robot management and robot control software,” he says. “Whether you’re a student first learning how to use a robot or you’re a commercial giant, you’d be able to manage and maintain all of your robots.”

He’s not exaggerating. We walked through a demo of this system recently, with Head of R&D Sales Luke Corbeth at the controls and Bundy explaining the various features. We connected remotely with one of our InDro robots. The software immediately detected all of the sensors on the platform, offering up a display of windows showing the data they were collecting with minimal latency.

“It can handle all sorts of data,” says Bundy. “It doesn’t matter if the robot has standard or custom sensors, InDro Controller can automatically detect and visualize them. For example, if you added a radar unit to an existing robot, the system will pick up on that immediately.”

Of course, it has teleoperation. Missions can be run manually or autonomously (with InDro’s autonomy stack loaded onto any ROS-based robot).

“We have a GPS-based autonomy – which is better for outdoors – and then we have a SLAM- (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) based autonomy which is ideal for indoors,” says Corbeth.

And while InDro Controller has very complex capabilities, it’s a snap to use.

“Once it’s set up, it’s pretty straightforward to initiate the mission. Even someone without any robotics knowledge could do it,” he adds.

Below: The Pilot View mode in InDro Controller. Data from any desired sensors is displayed with minimal latency via a highly secure connection.




Regardless of whether you’re a startup, researcher, or a major corporation collecting sensitive data – security is important. InDro Controller has been built with that in mind.

“We’ve created an interface that makes it very hard for a third party to intercept any of those commands or the data coming from the robot to you.”

Though the person controlling the robot is the primary login, others with a secure login can also monitor the missions remotely from anywhere in the world. The software can store as many repeatable missions as you can throw at it, and you can initiate a previously stored mission with a single click.




Mission planning could not be simpler.

For the first mission, the pilot would manually control the robot. InDro Controller uses an Xbox controller plugged into your computer for intuitive operation (though other options are available). All buttons on the Xbox device can be quickly mapped to carry out specific functions.

InDro Controller tracks everything you’ve done – and we mean everything – and saves it as a repeatable autonomous mission.

“If you manually drive the robot somewhere, it will remember it’s been there and it’ll be able to go back, follow that same path every time. It will also remember to carry out any specific actions you’ve taken at those points of interest, including camera angles, zoom, etc.” says Bundy.

The mission planner also automatically loads a map to locate your robot (you also have the option of satellite view), so you can monitor exactly where it is on any given mission.

And, of course, it can do this for an entire fleet of robots.

Below: InDro Controller shows Points of Interest – which can be repeated with saved missions

Robot Teleoperation



InDro Controller has been designed to allow users to easily customise the user interface for any robot, any mission, and any dashboard view. Multiple streams of data, including upload and download speeds, battery levels and overall robot health are available at a glance. Oh, and did we mention it also works with third-party autonomy stacks?

“The dashboard, the cameras, the heads up display on the autonomous missions – those all can be customised,” says Bundy. “We’re also adding other personal user customisations, like a light and dark mode, metric conversion, schedule missions – all the kinds of features you could want.”

InDro Controller already works exceptionally well. But – as with all of our R&D projects – it will continually be refined with additional features and functionality.

“We’re heavily invested in continuously improving the software,” says Corbeth. “So regardless of which version you’re shipped, know that this is something that InDro Robotics is constantly developing and improving with client feedback in mind to ultimately provide the best mission planning, teleoperations and development software tool in the robotics industry.”

Speaking of versions, there’s a simpler version of InDro Controller – which does not have the autonomy features – already being used for missions in the academic world. Feedback has been excellent.

“Users tell us they find it InDro Controller Lite exceedingly powerful, but also very simple to use. That was exactly our goal in developing this product,” says Corbeth.

Academics and corporate innovation groups could take advantage of the Lite version, while the InDustrial package is intended for solving more complex problems in an industrial environment




For Front End Developer Bundy, who oversaw this project with support from other engineering staff, it’s been a hugely satisfying – and challenging – project.

“A lot of the customization features were pretty difficult because it has to be robust and dynamic, which is always tough,” he says. “This is a relatively complicated application and I’ve managed to put together something pretty nice and functional – and it will only get better. “I’ve had a bunch of other help, but putting together the UI for InDro Controller has been, and continues to be, highly satisfying.”

Teleoperating Robots



We’re obviously excited about InDro Controller. And we’re particularly excited because we have a forthcoming piece of hardware – the InDro Module. It’s a small box with a lot of brains that can be added to any robot to increase functionality and enable the seamless addition of sensors and other modifications (as well as pre-loaded autonomy stack and ROS drivers). We’ll have more on that soon, but it’s the perfect match for InDro Controller for users with complex requirements.

For the moment, we’re looking forward to putting both the Lite and InDustrial versions into the hands of clients.

“When we first began remote teleoperation several years ago, we relied on third-party software as the UI,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece. “But we found it wasn’t powerful or customisable enough for our needs. It also required that we have our own autonomy stack – and we did – but many clients do not. InDro Controller comes with our proprietary autonomy stacks for both outdoor and GPS-denied locations. And, as noted previously, this is a long-term project, where even early adopters can be assured the package will be continuously refined with additional features.”

Word has already been spreading in the R&D and commercial fields about this product, and the feedback from those using the Lite version has been outstanding. Interested in learning more or seeing a demo? Contact Luke Corbeth here.

Still a long road to fully autonomous passenger cars

Still a long road to fully autonomous passenger cars

By Scott Simmie


We hear a lot about self-driving cars – and that’s understandable.

There are a growing number of Teslas on the roads, with many owners testing the latest beta versions of FSD (Full Self-Driving) software. The latest release allows for automated driving on both highways and in cities – but the driver still must be ready to intervene and take control at all times. Genesis, Hyundai and Kia electric vehicles can actively steer, brake and accelerate on highways while the driver’s hands remain on the wheel. Ford EVs offer something known as BlueCruise, a hands-free mode that can be engaged on specific, approved highways in Canada and the US. Other manufacturers, such as Honda, BMW and Mercedes, are also in the driver-assist game.

So a growing number of manufacturers offer something that’s on the path to autonomy. But are there truly autonomous vehicles intended to transport humans on our roads? If not, how long will it take until there are?

Good question. And it was one of several explored during a panel on autonomy (and associated myths) at the fifth annual CAV Canada conference, which took place in Ottawa December 5. InDro’s own Head of Robotic Solutions (and Tesla owner) Peter King joined other experts in the field on the panel.


Autonomous Cars

Levels of autonomy


As the panel got underway, there were plenty of acronyms being thrown around. The most common were L2 and L3, standing for Level 2 and Level 3 on a scale of autonomy that ranges from zero to five.

This scale was created by the Society of Automotive Engineers as a reference classification system for motor vehicles. At Level 0, there is no automation whatsoever, and all aspects of driving require human input. Think of your standard car, where you basically have to do everything. Level 0 cars can have some assistive features such as stability control, collision warning and automatic emergency braking. But because none of those features are considered to actually help drive the car, such vehicles remain in Level 0.

Level 5 is a fully autonomous vehicle capable of driving at any time of the day or night and in any conditions, ranging from a sunny day with dry pavement through to a raging blizzard or even a hurricane (when, arguably, no one should be driving anyway). The driver does not need to do anything other than input a destination, and is free to watch a movie or even sleep during the voyage. In fact, a Level 5 vehicle would not need a steering wheel, gas pedal, or other standard manual controls. It would also be capable of responding in an emergency situation completely on its own.

Currently, the vast majority of cars on the road in North America are Level 0. And even the most advanced Tesla would be considered Level 2. There is a Level 3 vehicle on the roads in Japan, but there are currently (at least to the best of our knowledge and research), no Level 3 vehicles in the US or Canada.

As consumer research and data analytics firm J.D. Power describes it:

“It is worth repeating and emphasizing the following: As of May 2021, no vehicles sold in the U.S. market have a Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 automated driving system. All of them require an alert driver sitting in the driver’s seat, ready to take control at any time. If you believe otherwise, you are mistaken, and it could cost you your life, the life of someone you love, or the life of an innocent bystander.”

To get a better picture of these various levels of autonomy, take a look at this graphic produced by the Society of Automotive Engineers International.


Now we’ve got some context…


So let’s hear what the experts have to say.

The consensus, as you might have guessed, is that we’re nowhere near the elusive goal of a Level 5 passenger vehicle.

“Ten years ago, we were all promised we’d be in autonomous vehicles by now,” said panel moderator Michelle Gee, Business Development and Strategy Director with extensive experience in the automotive and aerospace sectors. Gee then asked panelists for their own predictions as to when the Level 4 or 5 vehicles would truly arrive.

“I think we’re still probably about seven-plus years away,” offered Colin Singh Dhillon, CTO with the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association.

“But I’d also like to say, it’s not just about the form of mobility, you have to make sure your infrastructure is also smart as well. So if we’re all in a bit of a rush to get there, then I think we also have to make sure we’re taking infrastructure along with us.”

Autonomous Cars

It’s an important point.

Vehicles on the path to autonomy currently have to operate within an infrastructure originally built for human beings operating Level 0 vehicles. Such vehicles, as they move up progressive levels of autonomy, must be able to scan and interpret signage, traffic lights, understand weather and traction conditions – and much more.

Embedding smart technologies along urban streets and even on highways could help enable functionalities and streamline data processing in future. If a Level 4 or 5 vehicle ‘knew’ there was no traffic coming at an upcoming intersection, there would be no need to stop. In fact, if *all* vehicles were Level 4 or above, smart infrastructure could fully negate the need for traffic lights and road signs entirely.


Seven to 10 years?


If that’s truly the reality, why is there so much talk about autonomous cars right now?

The answer, it was suggested, is in commonly used – but misleading – language. The term “self-driving” has become commonplace, even when referring solely to the ability of a vehicle to maintain speed and lane position on the highway. Tesla refers to its beta software as “Full Self-Driving.” And when consumers hear that, they think autonomy – even though such vehicles are only Level 2 on the autonomy scale. So some education around langage may be in order, suggested some panelists.

“It’s the visual of the word ‘self-driving’ – which somehow means: ‘Oh, it’s autonomous.’ But it isn’t,” explained Dhillon. “…maybe make automakers change those terms. If that was ‘driver-assisted driving,’ then I don’t think people would sleeping at the wheel whilst they’re on the highway.”

One panelist suggested looking ahead to Level 5 may be impractical – and even unnecessary. Recall that Level 5 means a vehicle capable of operating in all conditions, including weather events like hurricanes, where the vast majority of people would not even attempt to drive.

“It’s not safe for a human to be out in those conditions…I think we should be honing down on the ‘must-haves,’ offered Selika Josaih Talbott, a strategic advisor known for her thoughtful takes on autonomy, EVs and mobility.

“Can it move safely within communities in the most generalised conditions? And I think we’re clearly getting there. I don’t even know that it’s (Level 5) something we need to get to, so I’d rather concentrate on Level 3 and Level 4 at this point.”


Autonomous Cars

InDro’s Peter King agrees that Level 5 isn’t coming anytime soon.

I believe the technology will be ready within the next 10 years,” he says. “But I believe it’ll take 30-40 years before we see widespread adoption due to necessary changes required in infrastructure, regulation and consumer buy-in.”

And that’s not all.

“A go-to-market strategy for Level 5 autonomy is a monumental task. It involves significant investments in technology and infrastructure – and needs to be done so in collaboration with regulators while also factoring in safety and trust from consumers with a business model that is attainable for the masses.”

What about robots?

Specifically, what about Uncrewed Ground Vehicles like InDro’s Sentinel inspection robot, designed for monitoring remote facilities like electrical substations and solar farms? Sentinel is currently teleoperated over 4G and 5G networks with a human controlling the robot’s actions and monitoring its data output. 

Yet regular readers will also know we recently announced InDro Autonomy, a forthcoming software package we said will allow Sentinel and other ROS2 (Robot Operating System) machines to carry out autonomous missions.

Were we – perhaps like some automakers – overstating things?

“The six levels of autonomy put together by the SAE are meant to apply to motor vehicles that carry humans,” explains Arron Griffiths, InDro’s lead engineer. In fact, there’s a separate categorization for UGVs.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), which creates standards, describes those tiers as follows: “Currently, an A-UGV can be at one of three autonomy levels: automatic, automated, or autonomous. Vehicles operating on the first two levels (automatic and automated) are referred to as automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), while those on the third are called mobile robots.”

“With uncrewed robots like Sentinel, we like to think of autonomy as requiring minimal human intervention over time,” explains Griffiths. “Because Sentinel can auto-dock for wireless recharging in between missions, we believe it could go for weeks – quite likely even longer – without human intervention, regardless of whether that intervention is in-person or virtual,” he says.

“The other thing to consider is that these remote ground robots, in general, don’t have to cope with the myriad of inputs and potential dangers that an autonomous vehicle driving in a city must contend with. Nearly all of our UGV ground deployments are in remote and fenced-in facilities – with no people or other vehicles around.”

So yes, given that InDro’s Sentinel will be able to operate independently – or with minimal human intervention spread over long periods – we are comfortable with saying that machine will soon be autonomous. It will even be smart enough to figure out shortcuts over time that might make its data missions more efficient.

It won’t have the capabilities of that elusive Level 5 – but it will get the job done.

InDro’s take


Autonomy isn’t easy. Trying to create a fully autonomous vehicle that can safely transport a human (and drive more safely than a human in all conditions), is a daunting task. We expect Level 5 passenger vehicles will come, but there’s still a long road ahead.

Things are easier when it comes to Uncrewed Ground Vehicles collecting data in remote locations (which is, arguably, where they’re needed most). They don’t have to deal with urban infrastructure, unpredictable drivers, reading and interpreting signage, etc.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy, of course – but it is doable.

And we’re doing it. Stay tuned for the Q1 release of InDro Autonomy.


Coming soon: InDro Autonomy software

Coming soon: InDro Autonomy software

By Scott Simmie

We’ve got news.

InDro Robotics is in the final stages of a new product that will vastly improve the capabilities of ground robots running on ROS2 or ROS1 Robot Operating System libraries. In short, it will transform a remotely tele-operated machine into an autonomous one. The software – no surprise here – is called InDro Autonomy.

“It’s our solution to automating the mundane tasks of outdoor navigation,” says Arron Griffiths, lead engineer at InDro’s Area X.O R&D facility in Ottawa, Ontario.

As you know, ground and aerial robots excel at jobs often referred to as “The Three Ds” – meaning tasks that are dirty, dull or dangerous (and sometimes all three). We would actually add a fourth “D” to that set and include jobs that are distant.

Think, for example, of remote locations such as electrical substations or solar farms. Currently, most robots (including many InDro products in the field) are remotely tele-operated by someone connecting with those robots over 4G or 5G networks. That’s an awesome capability, and one being put to use regularly by InDro clients. (In fact, we recently did a demonstration for T-Mobile at an Analyst’s Summit in Washington State. Attendees could operate a robot using an Xbox controller in real-time. The robot was in Ottawa – some 4,000 kilometres away.)

So tele-operation will still be with us, and is exceedingly effective for many use-cases. But there are some tasks where autonomy would be preferable.

Below: InDro’s Austin Greisman tweaks a Sentinel robot at our Area X.O facility

Robot Autonomy

Why autonomy?


While tele-operations are appropriate for a variety of inspection and surveillance tasks, there are cases where autonomy is a preferable option. Specifically, when a robot is repeatedly carrying out the same route/mission. This is especially true when the path becomes larger, such as inspections at solar farms. Why assign a human being to control a robot for a lengthy and repetitive task when a robot can carry it out on its own? That’s where InDro Autonomy comes in.

“Solar farms can be absolutely massive and very hard to maintain,” explains Griffiths. “Having a human walk or even drive through with a thermal camera is very inefficient. Our Sentinel ground robot, for example, can do this on its own.”

InDro’s Austin Greisman, who has been integral to InDro Autonomy’s development, puts it like this:

“Performing routine inspection checks – going to see the same thing over and over again – can be automated with this type of system,” he says. “So you just collect the data.”




InDro Autonomy was inspired by our exclusive Commander module. It’s a bolt-on solution for ground robots that allows for rapid customisation and sensor integration. It does so by containing the complete Robot Operating System (ROS2) software library onboard, as well as an Edge computer for real-time processing. With its 4G and 5G tele-operating capabilities, open USB slots, built-in camera and slick User Interface, it’s a snap to add and integrate sensors and carry out remote missions via dashboard.

While InDro Autonomy was developed to work seamlessly with Commander-enabled robots, our developers wanted to maximise interoperability. So while Commander takes the pain out of robot customisation, you don’t have to have it to deploy InDro Autonomy.

“Not only does InDro Autonomy fully work with any platform Commander supports, InDro Autonomy will work with any ROS2-based Robot that has an IMU, GPS, and wheel odometry,” says Greisman.

Here’s a look at the Commander module, the box that’s the brains of Sentinel. It’s directly above the robot treads.


InDro Sentinel

How does it work?


With lots of coding, lol.

But there’s more than that, of course. InDro Autonomy works by recording its path via GPS during an initial tele-operated cruise through the desired route. In the case of Commander-enabled robots, that GPS trail is immensely accurate.

“We have a very high quality GPS unit in Commander that is accurate to around 5 cm,” explains Greisman. “As the robot moves, it drops GPS breadcrumbs. Later on, at any time, even if you reboot it and drop it somewhere random, it will understand where it is relative to where it’s been – so if can figure out where it needs to go next.”


Wait, there’s more!


And there is.

Greisman says InDro Autonomy has been designed for even very large spaces. Often, covering more territory requires greater onboard computational power. Not with this system.

“You can be in as big of a space as you like and there’s no computational limitation to that. What sometimes happens with autonomy systems, as you go to a bigger space you need more computational power, and this system has been designed to be efficient on low compute platforms. So this allows us to keep costs low for the client as well.”


Anomaly detection, alerts


As InDro Autonomy gets ready for a Q1 2023 release, InDro’s R&D team has a few other features it’s planning on adding to the software.

Because it’s all about autonomous missions, it’s assumed that not every inspection will be monitored in real-time. All captured data will be georeferenced and stored, of course, with the ability to review any mission remotely. But InDro thought it would be good to take things even further.

InDro is baking in the ability to customize the software per customer requests. So, for example, if components at an electrical substation should not exceed 50° Celsius, an alert will be sent by text or email if the robot detects temperatures exceeding that parameter. Engineers are also looking into integrating an early warning system for arcing, which could be triggered by its unique sonic signature. Plus, Commander-enabled robots will have the ability to autonomously snug right up to their charging docks.

So InDro Autonomy has a lot of features. And they’re coming soon.

InDro’s take


When InDro engineers developed the InDro Commander, we knew we had something special. And it wasn’t long before a growing number of clients realized that fact. Our Commander module became popular because it simplified a previously painstaking task, making a tough and time-consuming job easier.

We feel the same way about InDro Autonomy – and we believe our clients will, too.