New TC Advisory Circular contains guidance for night BVLOS flight – and much more

New TC Advisory Circular contains guidance for night BVLOS flight – and much more

By Scott Simmie


A new Advisory Circular from Transport Canada is generating a lot of buzz in Canada’s RPAS world.

Although an Advisory Circular is not legislation, they offer guidance and a glimpse of what the regulator is planning for the future.

“Advisory circulars are one of the methods that Transport Canada can use to provide guidance on complying with regulations,” explains Kate Klassen, Training and Regulatory Specialist at InDro Robotics. Klassen is an instructor and pilot of traditional aircraft as well as drones. Her online courses have trained more than 10,000 RPAS pilots in Canada. She has also served as Co-Chair of the Canadian Drone Advisory Committee, or CanaDAC.

“It kind of acts like a preview, foreshadowing in a way the regulations we know are coming later this fall. This one in particular is exciting because of the depth of guidance that they’ve provided,” she says.

Here’s how Transport Canada describes the purpose of the Advisory Circular – entitled Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operational Risk Assessment – in its introduction:

“This Advisory Circular (AC) is provided for information and guidance purposes. It describes an example of an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with regulations and standards. This AC on its own does not change, create, amend or permit deviations from regulatory requirements, nor does it establish minimum standards.

“This AC provides information and guidance to manufacturers and operators intending to develop or operate a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) for operations in accordance with the requirements of Part IX, Subpart 3 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).”

The document itself is 131 pages, and a lot of it is dense and laden with acronyms. But for operators planning complex operations down the road – including the potential of flying BVLOS at night – the highly detailed guidance offered in the document is a gold mine. It goes into extraordinarily fine detail about carrying out Risk Assessment in a variety of scenarios.

Below: Screengrab from InDro research into urban wind tunnels being carried out for the National Research Council. This was a highly complex operation involving a heavier drone in a dense urban setting and required a Special Flight Operations Certificate. The new Advisory Circular helps spell out precisely what TC is looking for from operators to ensure safe operations in multiple scenarios



NRC Urban Wind Tunnel Eric



Back in the early days of drones, pretty much every flight required special permission – an SFOC – from Transport Canada. As drone technology and reliability/robustness improved and the regulator collaborated with the industry, detailed regulations for RPAS were first issued in 2019.

That change meant what we could generally term as routine, low-risk flights with drones weighing up to 25 kilograms could be carried out without an SFOC, providing the operator met all criteria laid out in the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part IX. That included requirements that the operator have a Basic or Advanced RPAS Certificate to operate small RPAS. TC also established its drone portal, where compliant drones weighing more than 250 grams are registered and assigned a number by the regulator. All of this was, in general, very good news for the RPAS industry.

But for those more complicated operations – generally meaning operations with greater risk – an SFOC was still required to satisfy Transport Canada that the operation could be carried out safely. Specifically, as the AC points out, SFOCs were (and are) still required in these circumstances:

“No person shall conduct any of the following operations using a remotely piloted aircraft system that includes a remotely piloted aircraft having a maximum take-off weight of 250 g (0.55 pounds) or more unless the person complies with the provisions of a special flight operations certificate — RPAS issued by the Minister under section 903.03:

(a)  the operation of a system that includes a remotely piloted aircraft having a maximum take-off weight of more than 25 kg (55 pounds);

(b)  the operation of a system beyond visual line-of sight, as referred to in subsection 901.11(2);

(c)  the operation of a system by a foreign operator or pilot who has been authorized to operate remotely piloted aircraft systems by the foreign state;

(d)  the operation of a remotely piloted aircraft at an altitude greater than those referred to in subsection 901.25(1), unless the operation at a greater altitude is authorized under subsection 901.71(2);

(e)  the operation of more than five remotely piloted aircraft at a time from a single control station, as referred to in subsection 901.40(2);

(f)  the operation of a system at a special aviation event or at an advertised event, as referred to in section 901.41;

(g)  the operation of a system when the aircraft is transporting any of the payloads referred to in subsection 901.43(1);

(h)  the operation of a remotely piloted aircraft within three nautical miles of an aerodrome operated under the authority of the Minister of National Defence, as referred to in subsection 901.47(3); and

(i)  any other operation of a system for which the Minister determines that a special flight operations certificate — RPAS is necessary to ensure aviation safety or the safety of any person.”

“In order to be issued an SFOC – RPAS, an operator must submit an application to the Minister as detailed in CAR 903.02. In particular, CAR 903.02 (p) indicates that in addition to the specific information required by 903.02 (a) through (o), the operator must submit “any other information requested by the Minister pertinent to the safe conduct of the operation”. For certain complex operations, as determined during the application process, an Operational Risk Assessment (ORA), acceptable to the Minister, is one of the items of ‘other information’ required in support of an application for an SFOC – RPAS.”

It’s that last paragraph that’s particularly relevant to this Advisory Circular.




The issue, as many operators discovered, was that applying for an SFOC wasn’t a slam-dunk. It’s not uncommon for TC to come back – sometimes more than once – asking for more details or requesting additional steps or precautions. This slowed the approval process, which was frustrating for operators. Some conveyed to regulators that there wasn’t enough clear guidance to ensure operators were meeting TC’s detailed expectations.

“So it made the SFOC application process for those more complex operations challenging as both parties were trying to sort out what the requirements needed to be to keep things safe,” explains Klassen.

The new Advisory Circular spells out, in detail, precisely what Transport Canada is looking for from operators. It contains multiple protocols, including the fine details of carrying out standardized risk assessments, that will be of benefit to all operators – even in cases where an SFOC is not required. Klassen believes the new document is the direct result of discussions between operators and TC. In addition to making complex operations safer, it provides all the fine print to assist operators in getting everything right the first time with SFOC applications.

“This Advisory Circular, I think, is a result of all of the back-and-forths between those RPAS operators who have been pursuing the boundary-pushing applications, and Transport Canada. TC has been able to accumulate all of that guidance in one location so that the process is streamlined.”

We’ll hit on a few highlights – including BVLOS at night – but the document is so thorough and dense that we’ll link so that operators can download and study it themselves. The Advisory Circular is so detailed that it’s not easy to synopsise, as you’ll gather from the following table of contents. (Don’t worry if some of the acronyms are unfamiliar; there’s an extensive glossary):

TC Advisory Circular
TC Advisory Circular
TC Advisory Circular



This is actually a revision to a previously published Advisory Circular. Because it contains so much information, TC thoughtfully provided a round-up of what’s new – and there’s quite a bit that is.

It contains the following changes to definitions:

  1. Airport / Heliport Environment was renamed Aerodrome Environment and a 3000 ft (915 m) AGL maximum altitude provision was added.
  2. (ii)  The Atypical Airspace infrastructure masking provision was clarified, and a low altitude night provision was added. (We’ve bolded this because it’s kind of a big deal, and we’ll get to it.)
  3. (iii)  Operating Weight definition was added to support changes to ground risk assessment.

In addition, ground risk assessment now relies on the weight of the drone rather than a kinetic energy calculation. Thresholds are now based on the most recently available population density numbers, rather than just a description of the area.

All ground risk scores now assume BVLOS operations; if you are carrying out a VLOS operation that is included as a mitigating factor.

There’s more, of course. But the most attention-grabbing line from above is the provision for low-altitude BVLOS at night. This will obviously require a risk assessment and SFOC, but it’s expected this will be included in legislation anticipated this fall (Canada Gazette 2). And that opens a lot of doors for operators.

“You could fly BVLOS along power lines, transmission lines because there’s not going to be an aircraft within 100 feet vertically of that. You could also carry out deliveries at night, pending airspace,” says Klassen.

It’s also worth noting that Transport Canada had previously indicated that routine, low-risk BVLOS flights will be permitted in the forthcoming regulatory amendments. An additional level of Transport Canada pilot certification will be required for such flights.

Below: With a satisfactory risk assessment and an SFOC, drones like this might be flying BVLOS missions at night when updated regulations are released sometime in the fall of 2024




When Kate Klassen went through the AC, she was impressed with the extraordinary level of detail. Every step of risk assessment and mitigation is thoroughly described, with examples in the appendices.

Many operators will be familiar with risk assessment tools. But there will also be many, particularly those who currently carry out very basic, non-complex operations, who might know the acronyms but little beyond them. This is very much a “how-to” document.

An Operational Risk Assessment (ORA) is a very methodical process – once you know the method. And here, TC outlines the specific steps laid out by the JARUS (Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems) SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) process. (There are some minor tweaks here, which are explained, to optimize this for the Canadian environment.)

The AC walks you through every step of the process, and includes graphics. The document takes a much deeper dive than this overview, with each phase of risk assessment explored in detail. This, however, gives you a glimpse:

TC Advisory Circular JARUS SORA



The document also defines something critical for any risk assessment – what it calls the “Operational Volume.” This involves calculating boundaries beyond the planned flight operations for safety/mitigation/contingency purposes.

Here’s how the Circular defines it:

TC Advisory Circular Operational Volume



One of the things that caught Klassen’s keen eye was the definition of Atypical Airspace. Here’s the wording from the Advisory Circular:

  1. (i)  Restricted Airspace, with authorization from the person specified in the Designated Airspace Handbook TP1820 or in a NOTAM.
  2. (ii)  Northern Domestic Airspace as defined in the Designated Airspace Handbook, outside an Aerodrome Environment, at a maximum altitude of 400 ft (122 m) AGL.
  3. (iii)  Within 100 feet (30 m) above and within 200 feet (61 m) horizontally from any building or structure which stands out vertically beyond the adjacent surface of surrounding terrain with sufficient size and shape to be noticeable to the pilot of a traditional aircraft in flight.
  4. (iv)  Within the hours of legal night, in uncontrolled airspace outside of an Aerodrome Environment, at a maximum altitude of 400 ft (122 m) AGL.

Why is this extension to the definition of Atypical Airspace (AA) exciting? When an operation takes place in AA, the Air Risk Class is automatically assigned as “a” (ARC-a). This lowers the relative SAIL, depending on your Ground Risk Class, and therefore the requirements to meet the operational safety objectives are simpler. It will give you a much easier time applying for and obtaining your SFOC due in major part to the Detect and Avoid options available to you to use.

Below: With adequate lighting (and more safety precautions), operating at night provides some interesting BVLOS opportunities!




Transport Canada’s new Advisory Circular is an important, detailed, and well thought-out document. Yet again, TC is attempting to make things easier for professional operators while striking that critical balance of safety – both in the air and on the ground.

“The past decade has seen both tremendous advances in the reliability and safety of drones, and – after some initial resistance in the early days – tremendous willingness on the part of Transport Canada to safely open up new opportunities for the industry at large,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece.

“The level of detail in the Advisory’s extensive sections on Risk Assessment will be of great benefit to operators – and to the safe expansion of the industry into other use-cases, including BVLOS flights at night. We commend those at Transport Canada for both the vision and thought put into this document, and look forward to the new regulatory changes.”

You can download the Advisory Circular here.

FLYY releases “how to” guide for building, expanding a drone program

FLYY releases “how to” guide for building, expanding a drone program

By Scott Simmie


Thinking of starting a drone program? Perhaps you have one already, and are thinking of expanding. Or maybe your existing program grew organically on an ad-hoc basis and you’d like to ensure you’re following Best Practices.

There’s a solution for that.

Kate Klassen, InDro’s Training and Regulatory Specialist (who’s also a flight instructor for crewed aircraft),  has written a comprehensive manual specifically for this purpose.

Klassen is widely respected in Canadian RPAS and traditional aviation circles. In addition to her extensive experience as a pilot (multi-engine rating, IFR, night), she was an early adopter in the drone world. Her regulatory expertise is top-notch, and her online RPAS instruction courses have trained more than 10,000 pilots in Canada (you can find her current courses here). She’s been on the board of the Aerial Evolution Association of Canada for years, and was co-chair of Transport Canada’s CanaDAC Drone Advisory Committee. So she knows her stuff.

Now, she’s pulled together that knowledge (in addition to what she’s learned working with InDro Robotics and consulting with other companies with RPAS programs) into a single, comprehensive document that covers everything you need to know to build out a safe, compliant, cost-effective drone program.

“The goal with the book was to put in one spot all of the information that you should know,” she says.

She certainly achieved that.

Below: Kate Klassen, in one of her many elements.


Drone Training



The e-book is entitled Remotely Piloted Aircraft Program Development Guide for VLOS and BVLOS Operations. And it covers pretty much every aspect of running a drone program – including maintenance, staffing, recency, risk assessment – and much more (we’ll give you a peek at the table of contents shortly).

There’s also, of course, a meaty section on the regulations – including the anticipated Transport Canada changes on the horizon that will permit routine, low-risk Beyond Visual Line of Sight flights (which will require obtaining an additional TC RPAS Certificate). And while the book covers high-level operations suitable for companies with mature drone programs, it also covers the basic meat and potatoes.

“This book could be used by individuals looking to use their drone in a professional capacity or as a really serious hobby – but it’s geared more for someone who is either starting, expanding or improving a drone program within their organisation,” says Klassen.




A well thought-out drone program involves a lot of decisions. How do you choose your crew, including flight lead? When is it time to replace an aircraft? What’s a good maintenance schedule – and how do you track that? What’s the best way to manage data? And what about insurance?

You’ll find all that and more. Klassen has packed a lot (including links to references and resources) into the 55 pages of this manual. And she’s taken special care to pore through the finer details of dense Transport Canada regulatory language and write the key takeaways in clear, concise terms.

“There was a lot of digging through Transport Canada documents to gain insights into where the drone industry is going from a regulatory perspective – and put that into plain English,” she says.

Below: The cover page

FLYY Kate Klassen drone program manual



Whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone just starting a drone program, Klassen has constructed the manual in a highly organised fashion. The progression of sections builds logically from the basics, through to complex areas such as Specific Operational Risk Assessment (SORA).

Here are the sections:

  1. Regulation Roadmap
  2. Certification
  3. Operational Considerations
  4. Budgeting
  5. Program Structure and Operation
  6. Training
  7. Equipment
  8. SORA Process

And within each of those sections? Let’s just say Klassen has it all covered. Take a look:

Kate Klassen Drone Program Manual
Kate Klassen Drone Program Manual
Kate Klassen Drone Program Manual



It’s one thing to tell you this manual is clear and concise. It’s another to let you see for yourself. So we’re going to paste from the very top of Section One – Regulation Roadmap – to give you a better idea:

The Canadian Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) industry took a major leap forward in June of 2019 with the publication of drone-specific regulation in the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). These regulations enable route visual line of sight (VLOS) operations for small RPAS (250g – 25kg), with additional guidance for aircraft above that weight range, through a Special Flight Operation Certificate (SFOC) process, and below, with reduced prescriptive microdrone regulation.

With the release of a Canada Gazette draft of lower risk BVLOS regulation in the summer of 2023, we have an idea of the direction Transport Canada is heading and had an opportunity to raise concerns and encourage positive direction with the drafted version.

While formal regulation, once in place, will provide a clearer path to certification for BVLOS, there will still be many of the similar requirements to what’s currently in place, through the SFOC process, including training, mission planning, procedure development and technology.

  • NOTE: While BVLOS with a microdrone is not explicitly prohibited by the regulations, the onus would be on the operator to prove it was done without being reckless, negligent, risking or being likely to risk the safety of a person or aviation safety. (CAR 900.06) Throughout this document, the aircraft and operations we’ll be referring to are those with small RPAS, that is those between 250g and 25kgs, unless otherwise specified.
  • As it stands as of the time of publication, flying an RPA heavier than 25kgs or BVLOS is not permitted in Canada except if specifically authorized in a Special Flight Operation Certificate. (CAR 901.11) This document will address considerations for a BVLOS program in anticipation of BVLOS-specific regulation being introduced in 2025 and the structure, operational considerations, components of an SFOC and training.

This is a rapidly changing space. As the industry continues to develop new technology and applications, and new regulation is announced to accompany these advancements we’re going to see a lot of refinement to the processes described within this document. It’s what’s so exciting about working in this area! The information here should help you in that pursuit.

As you can see, it’s really clearly written. It’s also filled with helpful graphics like these:

Kate Klassen Drone Program Manual
Kate Klassen Drone Program Manual



Kate Klassen is widely acknowledged as both a regulatory expert and a phenomenal communicator/instructor. She combines those skills well in the production of this manual, which we believe is a “must-have” for anyone serious about their drone program.

“Kate has tremendous expertise in this field – including personally overseeing some 150 RPAS flight reviews,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece. “This manual ticks all the right boxes, and includes material that will benefit even the most mature drone program. We’re pleased to see this published, and believe it will truly help those running serious programs make the most effective and efficient decisions.”

And the cost? You can download the manual here for $49.

That’s less than a dollar per page. And, in our opinion, a bargain.



By Scott Simmie


If you’re a regular reader (and we certainly hope you are), you may recall we recently broke the story about a plethora of fines levied by Transport Canada following two illegal drone flights at the Ottawa International Airport (YOW).

Those flights were detected by the YOW Drone Detection Pilot Program and Indro Robotics is the core technology provider for that platform. Both flights took place December 20 of 2022 and violated numerous sections of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs).

The drone was a DJI Air 2S and police were directed to the pilot’s location by airport authorities. He was caught while actively flying and ordered to bring the drone down.

Both flights posed a risk. The first took place while a helicopter was landing; the second while a Jazz Q-400 passenger aircraft was coming in. Both flights – in addition to violating other sections of CARs – were well above the standard altitude limit of 400′ AGL.

Our story quickly gained attention in Canada’s RPAS world and piqued the interest of Don Joyce. He’s the person behind DonDronesOn, a YouTube channel with informative information for drone pilots.

Below: A look at the flight paths that were picked up by the YOW Drone Detection Pilot Program


YOW drone detection



Joyce sees this incident – as do many – as a cautionary tale. The potential for a conflict with crewed aircraft was very real. The drone was in the air as two different aircraft landed nearby.

“This is not an example of government overreach,” he says in a video you’ll see shortly. “Rather, a good example of technology and process applied to keep us safe from fools and bad actors.”

Joyce also rightly points out that drone detection systems are becoming more commonplace at airports and other sensitive facilities. Not knowing the rules is no excuse for those found caught breaking them.

“Drone detection systems are in use in Canada around sensitive locations like airports. They work. And they’re only going to get better and more widely deployed. This stuff is picking up both the electronic and acoustic signatures of our drones today.

“So if you think you’re flying with no one watching, think again.”

Joyce’s video triggered a lot of comments. Most were pleased to see the pilot was charged in this case. One commenter noted that – despite this incident – the number of rogue flights that blatantly violate CARs appears to have gone down over the years. (If you’ve been in this field for a while, you’ll recall crazy YouTube videos of blatant violations near airports, over crowds, etc.)

“I can say that in my experience over the past 10 years, there are less and less ‘idiots’ flying drones in Canada as many are indeed aware of TC regs and rules,” he wrote.

“And although all the TC regs/rules are not always followed, the ‘idiot’ flights placing other’s safety in question are extremely low today compared to five to ten years ago.”

Joyce has filed an Access to Information request to get the full file from Transport Canada. For now, he does a great job of explaining what happened – and how the pilot likely changed locations to evade DJI’s GeoFencing restrictions.



As we originally reported, the pilot was fined $3021 for violating seven sections of the CARs – including not having a Transport Canada RPAS Certificate. And that got us thinking: What other fines has Transport Canada levied recently in connection with violations of Part IX of CARs – the regulations governing Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems?

Turns out, there have been a few. We take a look here at publicly available Transport Canada records for violations occurring in 2022. TC takes its time with these investigations; roughly a year transpired between most violations and the eventual fines.

Date of Violation: 2022/07/30 Location: Pacific Region

Though it took until June of 2023 for the offender to be served, the pilot was fined for violating three sections of CARs. According to Transport Canada: “A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) when it was not registered and in Class F Special Use Restricted Airspace without authorization. A person also operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) at a special aviation event or at an advertised event without a special flight operations certificate — RPAS.”

Given that this occurred in the Pacific Region, we believe this may have occurred at the Fort St. John International Air Show (which was underway at that time). The penalty assessed was $1400.

Date of Violation: 2022/05/29 Location: Quebec Region

Once again, three sections of CARs were violated. Says TC: “A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) when it was not registered, and at a distance of less than 100 feet from another person measured horizontally. A person also operated an RPAS when that person was not the holder of a pilot certificate – advanced operations.”

The fine was served in May of 2023.

Date of Violation: 2022/06/17 Location: Quebec Region

Like the Pacific Region incident, this one also appears to have occurred at an airshow or special event. And there were a couple of interesting violations, including not having a Special Flight Operations Certificate and not having a copy of the RPAS owner’s manual available.

According to Transport Canada: “A person failed to operate a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) in visual line-of-sight at all times during flight, and in controlled airspace. A person conducted the take-off or launch of a remotely piloted aircraft for which the manufacturer has provided a remotely piloted aircraft system operating manual without the manual immediately available to crew members at their duty stations. A person also operated an RPAS when that person was not the holder of a pilot certificate – advanced operations, and an RPAS having a maximum take-off weight of 250 g or more at a special aviation event or at an advertised event without a special flight operations certificate — RPAS.”

There were five CARs violations and a fine of $1500

Date of violation: 2022/06/19 Location: Quebec Region

This also took place at either an airshow or other special event – and these infractions set the pilot back by $900. “A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) in controlled airspace,” states Transport Canada.

“A person also operated an RPAS when that person was not the holder of a pilot certificate – advanced operations, and an RPAS having a maximum take-off weight of 250g or more at a special aviation event or at an advertised event without a special flight operations certificate — RPAS.”

Date of violation: 2022/06/19 Location: Quebec Region

This incident involved violations of five sections of CARs. A fine of $1500 was levied in May of this year.

Here’s Transport Canada’s description of the offenses: “A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) without a registration number clearly visible on the remotely piloted aircraft, in controlled airspace, and failed to operate it in visual line-of-sight at all times during flight. A person also operated an RPAS when that person was not the holder of a pilot certificate – advanced operations, and an RPAS having a maximum take-off weight of 250 g or more at a special aviation event or at an advertised event without a special flight operations certificate — RPAS.”

Below: The crumpled cowling of a Cessna. The aircraft collided with a drone operated by York Regional Police drone near Buttonville Airport on August 10, 2021. The pilot was later fined by TC. You can read our coverage of the incident here.

Cessna York Police Buttonville

Date of Violation: 2022/05/01 Location: Quebec Region

This incident involved seven infractions and a fine of $2100. Interestingly, this case involves the use of a First Person View device – where the pilot was wearing goggles and did not have a visual observer monitoring the drone directly (among other things).

Again, here’s the Transport Canada description: “A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) when it was not registered, in controlled airspace, and at altitude greater than 400’ AGL without a special flight operations certificate — RPAS.

“A person also conducted the take-off or launch of a remotely piloted aircraft for which the manufacturer has provided a RPAS operating manual without the manual immediately available to crew members at their duty stations.

“A person operated a RPAS using a first-person view device without, at all times during flight, a visual observer performing the detect and avoid functions with respect to conflicting aircraft or other hazards beyond the field of view displayed on the device. A person also operated a RPAS at a special aviation event or at an advertised event without a special flight operations certificate — RPAS, and when that person was not the holder of a pilot certificate – advanced operations.”

Date of Violation: 2022/03/05 Location: Quebec Region

This one’s intriguing, as it involves an “unauthorized payload.” What that payload was is a bit of a mystery, as TC tell us that. However, this was part of a very pricy day: The eventual fine for violating five sections of CARs was $3950.

“A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) when it was not registered, in Class F Special Use Restricted Airspace without authorization and failed to immediately cease operation when the safety of persons was endangered,” states the summary.

“A person also operated a RPAS while transporting an unauthorized payload and when the person was not the holder of a proper pilot certificate – small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS).”

Date of Violation: 2022/03/16 Location: Quebec Region

Though details are scarce, we can read between the lines on this $1300 case and infer that someone flew their drone while First Responders or Law Enforcement were at an emergency scene. Costly mistake, along with not registering the drone.

“A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) when it was not registered and over or within the security perimeter established by a public authority in response to an emergency. A person also operated a RPAS when the person was not the holder of a proper pilot certificate – small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS).”

Date of Violation: 2022/03/16 Location: Quebec Region

Five CARs violations; $3780. Ka-ching.

“A person operated a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) when it was not registered, in Class F Special Use Restricted Airspace without authorization and failed to operate it in visual line-of-sight at all times during flight. A person also operated a RPAS while transporting an unauthorized payload and when the person was not the holder of a proper pilot certificate – small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS).”




As you perhaps noticed, the vast majority – eight of nine reported cases – occurred in Quebec. So one might immediately assume that pilots in that province are more reckless.

But we can’t say that from the data. Perhaps TC inspectors are more inclined to levy fines in that province, or there are more inspectors there. Maybe people are more inclined in Quebec to report drone violations to authorities. We really can’t say.

We did, however, find it interesting to note that some pilots were fined for violations such as not having a drone manual available on-site or wearing FPV goggles without a constant visual observer. It’s a good reminder that the regs are the regs – and they all need to be followed.

Below: Image shows the take-off points of the two flights detected by the YOW Drone Detection Pilot Project

YOW drone detection



InDro Robotics was one of the first companies to offer hands-on drone training in Canada. We have trained police, firefighters, other First Responders – and more. We are also proud to have one of Canada’s leading online drone instructors, Kate Klassen, on staff.

Kate has trained more than 10,000 drone pilots in Canada. Her website, FLYY, offers everything to get pilots started – or take them to the next level for specialized training. (She is also a pilot and certified trainer for traditional crewed aircraft.)

“Regulations are there for a reason – to avoid conflict with crewed aircraft and to protect people and property on the ground,” says InDro CEO Philip Reece (who is also a private pilot).

“We’re pleased to have played a role in detecting these flights at YOW, and hope the fines levied do indeed send a message: Knowing and following the regulations is the right thing to do – and the best thing for this emerging industry.”

We should also mention that InDro is now offering basic and high-level drone training and evaluation in a massive netted enclosure at DARTT – the newly opened NIST-compliant facility for Drone and Advanced Robot Testing and Training at Area X.O in Ottawa. If you’re interested, you can contact us here.

You can find Transport Canada’s list of offences here. And we do recommend you check out Klassen’s FLYY.