GCXpo to showcase Smart Mobility at Ottawa’s Area X.O September 26

GCXpo to showcase Smart Mobility at Ottawa’s Area X.O September 26

By Scott Simmie


It’s that time of the year again.

We’re not referring here to the end of summer, but to Canada’s premiere Smart Mobility event. On September 26, GCXpo comes to Area X.O in Ottawa. This is the third annual showcase of Canadian technology companies in the Smart Mobility and IoT realms. The first two were known as TCXpo, with the “TC” standing for Transport Canada. This year’s show promises to be even bigger, and the “GC” – Government of Canada – reflects that.

If you’ve attended in the past, you’ll know it’s an exciting day. There are demonstrations of all sorts of smart technologies – everything from drones dropping payloads with intelligent parachutes that guide the payload to a precision target through to autonomous ground vehicles.

“In partnership with the Government of Canada and event sponsors, GCXpo will bring together more than 70 Canadian companies to host live technology demonstrations at Area X.O,” says the Area X.O website.

“GCXpo will create an exclusive opportunity for invited guests to experience the power and impact of cutting-edge Canadian technologies, including many preparing for global markets.”

And it’s not just a select group of invited guests. If you’re interested in this sphere, we’ll tell you later how you can register.

First, though, let’s take a look at what you can expect. Check out this video from last year’s event:



With outdoor (and some indoor) displays on the sprawling Area X.O site, guided tours take attendees through the latest in cutting-edge innovations from Canadian and international companies. In 2023, 77 companies exhibited at the show, and a similar number is on tap for 2024. These include industry leaders like Rheinmetall Provectus, Lockheed Martin and more, alongside prominent startups like RealLife Robotics which specialises in zero-emission last-mile and cargo delivery. Of course, InDro Robotics (which is also a sponsor of the event) will be there, too.

We’ll be demonstrating many of our robots and drones, utilising the Drone and Advanced Robotics Testing and Training facility, also known as DARTT. This is a state-of-the-art proving ground for robots, where they can be driven over demanding terrain built to the exacting standards of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This includes a large-scale, netted enclosure for testing drones. Because it’s enclosed, it’s ideal for testing new drone technologies without having to apply for a Special Flight Operations Certificate. It’s also an ideal location for training robot and drone operators – and InDro manages the site. (You can take a deeper dive into DARTT with this story.)

GCXpo is an opportunity not only to see our latest innovations up close, but also a chance to operate them. Head of R&D Sales Luke Corbeth is a master at explaining technology, and likes nothing more than putting a remote control in the hands of attendees to give them a chance to pilot a ground robot or even drone.

Here’s a brief clip of Luke at the DARTT zone from last year’s event; Luke will perform a similar role at GCXpo.



Trust us, there’s plenty to see at GCXpo – along with the opportunity to speak with those displaying their products and services. But the outdoor exhibits are just one part of the show. Running concurrently is the CAV (Connected and Autonomous Vehicles) Canada Stage. With programming throughout the day, this is a chance to hear more than 20 distinguished thought leaders (including InDro Robotics Founder and CEO Philip Reece) on a wide range of topics related to Smart Mobility, Advanced Air Mobility, the IoT, security, et cetera. The list of topics, as you’ll see, truly goes on.

As the CAV Canada website explains, speakers will be addressing these topics – and more:

  • “Authentic discussion and global foresight on key opportunities and challenges in CAV and smart mobility R&D, markets, investments, and policy during current recovery and post-pandemic periods.
  • “Actionable insight to enable and accelerate the safe implementation of CAV and smart mobility solutions in diverse sectors, from transportation to communications, smart farming and public safety
  • “Innovative approaches, real-world examples and lessons learned in smart mobility test, validation and demonstrations
  • “Access to CAV and smart mobility talent and strategies to develop, attract, and retain a competitive, diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • “Networking opportunities to engage, connect and collaborate in the smart mobility ecosystem.”

Previously, the CAV Canada event took place the day after TCXpo. This year, GCXpo and the CAVCanada learning sessions will be integrated into a single event. (And don’t worry, the large CAV Canada stage and audience area is tented in the event of rain).

Below: Some of the InDro team – and many of our robots – at last year’s TCXpo




It’s no coincidence that GCXpo takes place in Ottawa. In addition to the Area X.O facility – a dedicated and private space utilised by numerous companies in the Smart Mobility sector – the city itself is a leading technology hub. According to Invest Ottawa, the nation’s capital is home to more than 1800 technology companies, 88,000+ tech workers, and represents the highest concentration of technology talent per capita in North America.

“Ottawa is renowned for our cutting-edge R&D and innovation in SaaS, cybersecurity, AI, machine learning, robotics, advanced networks and 5G, health tech and life sciences, smart mobility, IOT, and many other disruptive technologies,” says its web site. “Innovators are fueling the ICT Information and Communications Technology), life sciences, defence, security, aerospace, smart mobility, cleantech, and software to name a few.”

Invest Ottawa has played a huge role in attracting and supporting technology firms. The agency says “From 2013 to 2022 (inclusive), Invest Ottawa has supported almost 14,000 firms from start-ups to global enterprises.” And that’s not all. Invest Ottawa has also helped raise some $1.86B in capital for domestic companies, provided more than 75,000+ hours in advisory services, and helped facilitate nearly 15,000 jobs. That’s a lot.

In a larger sense, GCXpo also showcases the commitment of the Federal and Ontario provincial governments (including agencies like Invest Ottawa) toward technology and a Smart future. Many, if not all, of the companies displaying their innovations and services have benefited from government programs and research grants to help grow their businesses. These agencies include:

  • Transport Canada
  • The Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Innovative Solution Canada (ISC) Challenge Program
  • DND’s Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program
  • NGen Canada, the advanced manufacturing supercluster
  • Area X.O

In a news release for last year’s event, Area X.O and Invest Ottawa also pointed out another purpose of the show.

“TCXpo will enable all participating companies to engage prospective talent, clients, partners, suppliers, investors and regulators throughout the day. These connections can stimulate new R&D, business and investment opportunities that propel the growth and success,” it stated.

For companies like InDro, the two previous TCXpo events enabled a public demonstration of technologies, an opportunity to network with other companies in complementary fields – and a chance to sit down with both prospective clients and regulators such as Transport Canada and NAV Canada.

“This truly is the premiere event for showcasing emerging technologies in the Smart Mobility and IoT sectors,” says InDro Robotics CEO and Founder Philip Reece. “Our entire team is looking forward to GCXpo and the opportunity to engage with the public, clients, and the Federal and Provincial agencies that have helped support our ambitious growth trajectory.”

Below: An autonomous tractor hits the field inside Area X.O at the 2023 TCXpo event. We can’t resist reviving a joke we made at the time: “And on this farm there was a robot, Ee-eye, ee-I/O…”



InDro Robotics was one of the very first anchor tenants at Area X.O, alongside heavyweights like Ericsson, Nokia and Blackberry QNX. We could see the advantages of a private facility with its own 5G network, allowing us to test our drones, ground robots and more by simply walking out the door with them.

We started with a relatively small team, and our operations there have grown along with the facility. It’s now our R&D headquarters, where the bulk of InDro’s many innovations are conceived and executed. The number of employees there has grown exponentially, and InDro has developed solid relationships with many of the federal and provincial agencies who will be present at the show. InDro is also about to mark the first anniversary of its expansion into rapid prototyping and limited run manufacturing with its InDro Forge facility (formerly the Bayview Yards Prototyping Lab). There’s no question Ottawa is the place to be in our line of work.

“GCXpo promises to be a great event, and we look forward to showcasing not only our products and team, but also the Area X.O facility itself,” says Philip Reece. “Invest Ottawa and Area X.O have been great partners from the moment we started renting space at the facility – and we could not envision a better location for our research and development.”

If you’re going to be (or could be) in Ottawa September 26, you’re invited. Attending GCXpo is free, and there will be guided tours to ensure you don’t miss any of the action. You can register for a ticket right here.

TCXpo brings Smart Mobility exhibit to Ottawa’s Area X.O

TCXpo brings Smart Mobility exhibit to Ottawa’s Area X.O

By Scott Simmie


Canada’s largest Smart Mobility exhibit and demonstration took place in Ottawa September 27.

It was the second time the annual event has taken place. It brought hundreds of attendees – and more than 75 companies – to Area X.O, an innovation hub where leading Smart Mobility companies carry out research and development. The facility features a private 5G network and private roads, allowing companies to test and harden robots, drones, autonomous passenger-carrying vehicles, and more.

Sponsored by Transport Canada (that’s the “TC” in “TCXpo”), along with Invest Ottawa and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), the event showcases innovations in the smart mobility space. Think the latest and greatest robots, drones, self-driving vehicles – along with a plethora of hardware and software associated with the sector.

“Today, we will celebrate Canadian innovation,” said Sonya Shorey, Vice President Strategy, Marketing and Communications of Invest Ottawa as she opened the show.

“Companies driving the smart mobility revolution. Innovators developing and commercializing multidisciplinary solutions to grand challenges and market opportunities. These innovations span every sector – from intelligent transportation to defence, public safety, security, aerospace, environment, smart agriculture, and telecommunications. And they are being developed by Canadian leaders.”

As Michael Tremblay, President and CEO of Invest Ottawa, Area X.O and Bayview Yards, put it: “We’ve got incredible capability right across the country.”

Below: Michael Tremblay at the opening of TCXpo



Michael Tremblay Invest Ottawa



One of the highlights of the show was the new Drone and Advanced Robotics Training and Testing facility, also known as DARTT. Built to the demanding criteria of the US-based National Institute of Standards and Training (NIST), DARTT is designed for evidence-based evaluation of drones over a variety of surfaces (including sand, gravel and water) and obstacles (including a variable incline ramp). There’s also a netted enclosure for flying experimental drones or assessing new payloads and failsafe features in a safe environment.

InDro’s Luke Corbeth hosted tours of DARTT, allowing spectators to take control of various robots and operate them over obstacles. Here, he explains the basics of the facility:



InDro also publicly unveiled one of its newest innovations: The Street Smart Robot, or SSR.

Built with the support of the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN), led by the Ontario Centre of Innovation, the SSR will be monitoring bicycle paths in Ottawa this winter to detect snow, ice, potholes and debris that might impact the safety of cyclists. When those anomalies are detected, they’ll be flagged to road and maintenance crews at the City of Ottawa so they can be remediated.

Initially, the SSR will be remotely teleoperated by a human being who will have real-time situational awareness of all surroundings. The eventual goal is for the SSR to operate autonomously, with AI flagging problems so they can be sent up the chain.

Here’s a peek at the Street Smart Robot:

Street Smart Robot



With more than 75 companies (and an estimated 1200 attendees) at TCXpo, there was no shortage of things to see and demonstrations to watch. Some of the highlights of the day included seeing:

  • The Skygauge drone, a unique design purpose-built for non-destructive testing, carrying out a demo flight. Its NDT probe was delicately placed against a pole while in flight, mimicking the routine carried for testing of metal tanks, coatings, etc.
  • The Wingtra drone, carrying out a flawless demo mission. The fixed-wing, two-motor VTOL is capable of transitioning to fixed-wing forward flight from hover, giving it great range and efficiency
  • A driverless tractor carrying out a circuit on a field, with commands sent remotely from a phone. Such devices will be common in the Smart Farms of the near future

Plenty of things caught our eye, including a remotely operated hang-glider (low cost, long range, high payload). There was a new Nokia dock system, allowing for automated flights in remote locations. The system recharges the drone, checks all systems, while maintaining a safe harbour from inclement weather – perfect for regular inspections in remote locations. There was even a US startup that has developed a system that will automatically lower car windows if you happen to plunge your vehicle into water.

We’ve gathered a few pix of the above – and more – which you’ll see in the gallery below:



The first TCXpo – despite the rain – was great. This one was bigger and better – and the weather was perfect. The demonstrations and exhibits collectively made it clear: Smart Mobility is coming.

“Part of the growth between the inaugural TCXpo and this display was due to word of mouth,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece. “But part of the equation is that the industry itself is growing at a rapid pace. The world of Smart Mobility may not have yet arrived, but you can definitely see it’s on its way.”

Finally, a tip of the hat to Transport Canada, ISED, Invest Ottawa and Area X.O. Those kudos aren’t just for putting on a great show – but also for having to vision to realize that this sector will create jobs, improve safety and contribute to greater efficiency in the not-so-distant future.

Smart Mobility companies invited to TCXpo 2023

Smart Mobility companies invited to TCXpo 2023

By Scott Simmie


We’re already excited. And we’ve blocked off September 27, 2023 in the InDro calendar.

Why’s that? It’s because that’s the day of the second TCXpo – a demo day and networking event featuring Canadian companies in the Smart Mobility space – will take place. The inaugural TCXpo, which took place at Area X.O in Ottawa, was amazing. And the second one will be even bigger and better.

The event is the only one of its kind in Canada. And it brings together cutting-edge companies with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (ground robots, drones, cars) and related technologies. This year, more than 70 companies will demonstrate their products to the industry, investors, and government agencies in this space. 

Below: Some of the fun from the inaugural TCXpo in 2022:

Canada Robotics



The goal of TCXpo is to demonstrate Smart Mobility technology. And Area X.O is the perfect venue. The R&D complex, operated by Invest Ottawa, is a private facility. It has its own Smart City infrastructure, including a dedicated 5G network. There are roads, traffic lights, railroad crossings – most of the things you’d find in an urban environment – except this site is dedicated for robots, drones and other Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). 

Now, picture a drone dropping a payload attached to a steerable parachute that can land within metres of the desired target. Envision an autonomous car, braking when a mock pedestrian appears before its path. Or a completely amphibious robot, capable of operating in water, on ice and snow, doing its thing for spectators.

All of these happened in 2022. And there will be even more at this year’s event.

“TCXpo is a tremendous opportunity for Canadian companies to showcase their products,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece (who was the person in charge of all aerial operations at the 2022 event). “This is such a forward-looking event. Many of the products shown here will play a role in the Smart City of the future.”

The event is put on by Invest Ottawa, Transport Canada, FedDev Ontario, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), as well as other event sponsors (including InDro Robotics, one of the lead private contributors). 

And for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), it’s a major opportunity. Here’s how Area X.O describes what to expect:

“TCXpo will create an exclusive opportunity for invited guests to experience the power and impact of cutting-edge Canadian technologies, including many preparing for global markets. Companies large and small from Canada’s capital and across the country will showcase connected and autonomous vehicles, drones, smart-city solutions, IoT (Internet of Things), robotic technology, agri-tech innovations, and more. The showcased applications will span every sector of our economy – from intelligent transportation to defence, public safety, smart farming, telecommunications, cleantech, environment, and smart cities.”

Below: InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece speaking at the 2022 event


InDro Robotics



Interested in getting your Smart Mobility product or service in front of the people and companies that count? Looking for investment? TCXpo is the place.

And the good news? Unlike expensive trade shows, those companies accepted can set up a display for free. (And while there’s truly no such thing as a free lunch, some really great food trucks showed up last year to feed the nearly 900 people who registered.)




So glad you asked. First of all, have a good read about the event – including some metrics on attendance, media coverage and more – right here. If you think your company is a fit, head right over to the Area X.O intake form and let them know you’re interested. The deadline for applications is August 18.

It’s also worth noting that TCXpo takes place during Smart Mobility week in Ottawa. There are numerous other events, including the country’s premier Smart Mobility Conference – CAV Canada – taking place the same week.

Below: Check out highlights from TCXpo 2022



We’re obviously big fans of TCXpo – and a key corporate sponsor. But there’s another reason we’re particularly excited about the 2023 event.

“The new Drone and Advanced Robot Training and Testing facility – which we call DARTT – officially opened in June,” says InDro CEO Philip Reece. “This will enable some truly great demonstrations of ground robots navigating challenging obstacles, as well as the ability to showcase new drone technologies within a safe netted enclosure.”

InDro – and all of our many robots and drones – will be at TCXpo 2023. We hope to see you there, as well!

New drone, robot testing and training facility to open June 21

New drone, robot testing and training facility to open June 21

By Scott Simmie


It’s nearly here.

On June 21, Canada’s first ever Drone and Advanced Robot Training and Testing Zone (DARTT) will open. 

It’s all happening at Area X.O – the Ottawa Research and Development complex operated by Invest Ottawa. It’s where companies like InDro Robotics invent, test and perfect new technological smart mobility solutions before commercialising them.

The zone will offer challenges built to demanding criteria set out by NIST – the US-based National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST courses are frequently sought out by operators wanting to reach the highest level of skills in drone and robot deployment. First Responders and high-level Enterprise operators in the US frequently attend training sessions that follow NIST criteria.

“It’s going to be an incredible asset and the first of its kind in Canada,” says Rebecca Thompson, Senior Manager of Operations at Area X.O. “It will allow for drone and ground robot training and performance testing – and supporting the small-to-medium enterprises and the many other clients that we serve.

“Having the capability to support companies to advance their skills, certify their technologies, and get trained up on specialised operations the market is demanding is critical. So we’re excited about this.”

Below: A CGI look at the facility’s design:



We didn’t know the answer to that when we first began researching this post. The answer? A discussion.

“It was actually a conversation between (InDro CEO) Philip (Reece) and myself,” explains Thompson. “Having InDro here at Area X.O as one of our tenants and partners – and given the amount of focus on drones and robots in the industry – we asked ‘How do we support these partners? What is Area X.O missing? What can we add on?'”

Reece suggested that an advanced facility for training, testing and evaluation would be of benefit. Such a place would fill a definite void – especially given the tremendous growth in both aerial and ground robots.

“When Philip brought forth the idea it was a no-brainer,” says Thompson. “So in collaboration we were able to bring this to my leadership team here at Area X.O. And we brought the opportunity to FedDev Ontario and they agreed. They felt this was a way to enhance the capabilities and assets we already had at Area X.O – and to support the companies that require somewhere to test, validate and trial new technologies.”




One of the interesting features of the new facility is an outdoor, netted space for secure and confined drone testing. The ability to fly within this setting will enable safe testing of new drone technologies – including failsafe systems – within a secure area. What might happen if a drone loses satellites or a 5G signal mid-flight? What if the Inertial Measurement Unit failed? What if a company wants to test a completely new design that’s never flown in the wild before?

Testing these sorts of scenarios in an open space always carries with it a greater degree of risk. And, in some cases, would require a Special Flight Operations Certificate from Transport Canada. Flying within a netted enclosure will allow for such testing without special permissions, since there’s no risk of conflict with crewed aircraft or people and property on the ground.

In addition, ground robots will face challenging terrain at the new site, including multiple test beds featuring different substances. These Uncrewed Ground Vehicles (UGVs) will be tested over sand, gravel, uneven concrete surfaces and even water and mud. There will also be an inclined ramp that can be positioned at various angles. Operators will have to navigate that challenge while also exploring the limitations of the robots. 

There will also be the familiar bucket test. Buckets placed at specific locations and angles will challenge drone pilots to precisely position UAVs and gimbals in order to reveal a letter, number or symbol affixed to the bottom of the bucket. Only by getting the drone and camera lined up in *just* the right spot will the operator be able to identify the target. These kinds of skills are particularly useful for Search and Rescue teams, law enforcement and other First Responders.

Once a pilot is able to successfully navigate the course, performance is timed

Below: A preliminary plan for the facility




So how do you design a test facility when it’s the first of its kind?

With a solid background in the field and plenty of research.

The task went to InDro’s Brian Fentiman, who worked with the RCMP for 34 years. Three years were as an RPAS specialist, building out the Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems (sUAS) program – as well as a Counter-sUAS program – for the RCMP in British Columbia. He has trained and supported First Responders, forensic investigators, Search and Rescue teams and tactical units. He has also designed several drone training courses.

“I was asked to put my input into the design of a NIST facility, which would use standard American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) tests, which NIST facilities do, to test both drones and ground robots,” says Fentiman.

“First Responder agencies are always looking for a way to measure up against industry standards. They’re usually cutting-edge, but they’re not always up on the technical side of things as for how to select the correct hardware, and how to train or set standards for their operators in using those items. This facility will allow people can test without having to build all this infrastructure themselves.”




So: Who will benefit from such a facility?

It’s been very deliberately designed to offer both training and testing/evaluation, meaning it will likely appeal to two very different client sets. And that includes the world of R&D.

“There are going to be manufacturers that want their product tested during development,” says Fentiman. “(Plus) Police departments, fire departments, First Responders – as well as any professional agency that’s using drones.”

He adds that while some of the tests are particularly suited for First Responders and Search and Rescue units, “I believe a lot of the tests are applicable to any agency that’s using drones.”

Area X.O’s Rebecca Thompson believes the facility will also appeal to other sectors, including “academia, defence, precision agriculture, high-level Enterprise operators… We’ve considered the needs of all potential users in the end design.”

Below: Ground robots of all shapes and sizes will be able to test their mettle (and operator skills) at the new Area X.O facility




We posed that question to Kate Klassen, a commercial pilot and flight instructor – who is also one of the most recognized and respected online drone trainers in Canada. Klassen is also the architect and instructor of FLYY, which offers aspiring drone pilots everything they need to obtain their Basic or Advanced RPAS certificate – along with much more.

“As the RPAS industry matures, there’s an evolving need for specialized training in some of the niche areas that have developed,” she says.

“Applications are ever-expanding and the need for qualified operators to fill those roles is so great we don’t have time to wait for skills to develop over years of experience. We need those capable operators now! This new facility will enable operators to build skills in real, but safe, scenarios.”

Klassen, co-chair of Transport Canada’s CanaDAC Drone Advisory Committee, is also among the advocates for micro-credentials in the drone and ground robot world. Standardized, focussed courses in specialties like photogrammetry, thermal and night missions, and payload operations would give operators high-value skills within a course setting, rather than trying to learn on the job. (Plus, in a Catch-22, many are denied job opportunities because they don’t yet possess those specialized skills. We recently took a deeper dive into the case for micro-credentials here.)

Klassen, like others, eagerly anticipates the opening of the facility. We asked her why she’s excited.

“Oh man, so many reasons. For the first time we’re seeing a ground and air robot (drone) training and testing space and I think we’ll see those technologies work more closely together in the future, too,” she says.

“As an educator, I’m excited for the course offerings we’ll be able to put together. So much thought has gone into the details and facilities in this space – and I can’t wait to see how it’s received.”




If you’re interested in obtaining your Basic or Advanced RPAS Certificate, Klassen’s FLYY is one-stop shopping. Full Disclosure: Klassen works with InDro, and InDro has a financial stake in FLYY. But also Full Disclosure: Klassen truly is a pioneer and respected expert in the world of online training. The first course she created trained more than 10,000 drone pilots in Canada. Plus, as a traditional crewed aircraft instructor, she knows the regulations inside and out.

But why pay for a course when you can find videos on YouTube?

“YouTube can be a great resource, but the challenge is knowing the accuracy and validity of the information,” says Klassen.

“You want to trust the training provider, know their credentials and that they have the experience and expertise to be the one providing the training! In addition to video modules, FLYY also provides downloadable resources, interactive lessons and the ability to download for offline viewing.”

What’s more, FLYY offers a number of specialized courses and mini-courses.

“In addition to Basic through Advanced knowledge requirements, FLYY offers a guide to developing your own SOP, how to prep for your flight review – even online flight training with animations. Each course offers digestible segments that you can do as you have time. If you leave midway, it remembers where you left off. There’s also a community forum to ask questions and chat with experts and other students.”

If you want to get your drone training off to a solid and recognized start, FLYY is offering 10 per cent off for its online courses. Use code “springisintheair” at checkout.

Below: The new training and testing facility, under construction, in early April. DARTT will officially open June 21, 2023




It’s no surprise that we’re thrilled about this facility.

InDro will be using it to put our own technology (and operators) to the test – and will also be running the training, testing and evaluation at the site. Courses are currently in the final stages of being designed to maximize exploiting the new facility’s many features (and challenges).

“This training and testing site will be hugely beneficial to a wide range of clients,” says InDro CEO Philip Reece. “Many in the industry have heard about it, and we’ve already been receiving inquiries – a sign that there’s going to be real demand.

“We particularly grateful to Area X.O’s Rebecca Thompson, who immediately understood the value of this concept and helped share that vision with Invest Ottawa. The industry also owes a nod to FedDev Ontario, which also recognized this project’s value with financial backing.”

We’ll report back to you when the facility opens. If you’re interested in booking for training, testing or evaluation purposes, please contact us here.

Oh – and if you’ll be (or can be) in Ottawa June 21, a small number of free tickets for the afternoon event remain. You can register here.

Area X.O unveils new simulation portal

Area X.O unveils new simulation portal

By Scott Simmie


Area X.O, the Ottawa facility founded and operated by Invest Ottawa that houses cutting-edge companies involved in robotics and smart mobility R&D, has unveiled a powerful new tool.

It’s a simulation portal that will allow firms to virtually test products under development. Want to put a robot through its paces on the roads at Area X.O to evaluate its propulsion system and battery life? Have a drone overfly and capture data? Maybe you want to test in snow and cold temperatures, despite it being summertime?

Unless you happen to be an Area X.O tenant, carrying out any of these tasks in real life would involve getting permission, getting your product to the site – even waiting for months and taking multiple trips if you wanted to test under a variety of weather conditions. The costs on this would quickly add up, and your development time would stretch.

With the new simulator, you can put your robot or drone (or sensor) through their paces remotely – whether you’re in Ottawa, Vancouver, or even further afield. And you can use the data gathered in the simulator to improve and refine your real-world product.

“Until recently, Area X.O was limited to the physical world,” said Patrick Kenny, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications for Invest Ottawa, Area X.O and Bayview Yards.

“This past winter, Area X.O launched a simulation discovery portal powered by Ansys. The simulation portal and program promotes simulation and its ability to reduce time, cost, effort and risk by getting breakthrough innovations to market faster. Innovators now have a new option to consider.”

Kenny made his remarks during a June 7 webinar. During that event, Area X.O engineers Barry Stoute and Hossain Samei explained how the system works – and even carried out a real-time demonstration.


Area X.O simulation portal



The brains behind the system come from Ansys, which has been in the simulation software business for more than 50 years. It is widely considered to be the most powerful software of its kind.

“Simulation is an artificial representation of a physical model,” explained simulation engineer Dr. Stoute. He went on to explain, at a high level, two different types of simulation: Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Digital Mission Engineering.

In a nutshell, FEA uses software (and really good computers) to see how different models behave under different conditions. The model can be anything: A robot, an antenna, a drone – you name it.

“Finite Element Analysis solves for mechanical structures, thermal analysis, electronics and optical (components),” explained Dr. Stoute. Want to know what temperature a component might heat to under load? Determine how a transmitter or antennae might behave in differing temperatures? Even “see” what an optical sensor might capture when mounted on a robot? Plug in the right parameters and powerful computing will give the answer.




This type of simulation is a way of designing a complex system, particularly where multiple assets interact with another in a simulated environment. In the example seen below, Dr. Stoute says a digital mission engineer could create a model where a drone capturing data interacts with multiple objects. These include satellite communications, a ground station, along with multiple vehicles. The drone’s mission is to capture data from the ground, but the engineer is interested in seeing the Big Picture – the ways in which all these different assets will interact.

The mission engineer can select and modify the parameters of every asset in that model. How powerful is the ground station and what range will it provide? What speed is the aircraft flying at, and at what altitude. What type of aircraft is it? What sensors are on the drone and what are their specifications? What is the battery life? What are the specifications of the drone’s motors? The ambient temperature and wind conditions?

The options are dizzying. But the software – along with a well-trained mission engineer – can create a virtual world where the data outcomes closely predict what would happen in a real-world mission.

“If an engineer creates a physical product and it doesn’t work as planned, they have to go back and remodel it,” explained Dr. Stoute. The simulation environment, by contrast, allows the engineer to tweak that product in a virtual environment without the expense of real-world modifications. Once the product is working well in simulation, those learnings can be applied to the actual physical product.

Plus, of course, weather parameters can easily be changed; something impossible in real-world testing (unless you’ve got lots of time on your hands).

“Should he wait until January to get a blizzard to test the product?” asked Dr. Stoute.

“No, it doesn’t make sense. The simulator can simulate blizzard conditions.”


Below: Dr. Stoute explains how Digital Mission Engineering works during the webinar


Digital Mission Engineering



Now that the basics were explained, the webinar moved on to demonstrate these concepts. Area X.O engineer Hossain Samei took over the controls, doing a real-time demo of the sim’s capabilities.

For this, Samei used not only the Ansys core system, but another powerful piece of software called Ansys AVxcelerate, which is used to test and validate sensors for self-driving cars. That means you can plug in virtual sensors, including all of their technical parameters, into the system. And not simply the sensors on the cars. In this simulation, which features a very high-resolution 3D map of the Area X.O complex, Hossain also had sensors that are on the Area X.O site embedded into this virtual world.

“This digital twin also includes the infrastructure embedded into our smart city zone,” explained Samei. “This includes multiple sensors, optical cameras, roadside units, thermal cameras and LiDAR cameras.” The model even includes functioning railroad crossing gates.

“We’re able to simulate the arms moving up and down,” he said.

And remember how the Ansys system can simulate weather? The mission engineer can also tailor lighting conditions – very useful for testing visual sensors.




Samei already had the digital twin of Area X.O defined. He then quickly put together an autonomous vehicle and camera sensor using AVxcelerate.

“Once we have our car defined, as well as the sensors on the vehicle, we’re able to move on to choosing a car simulator,” said Hossain.

In order to help the car drive on Area X.O’s terrain, Hossain turned to the Open-Source Webots robot simulator.

“With WeBots, you can define your vehicle, including its suspension, power train and other features to define the vehicle dynamics of the car,” said Samei.

And now? It was time for a drive.

Samei began to pilot the car around Area X.O – showing as well that he could change the setting from a clear and dry day to one with snow on the ground with just a few clicks. As the car drove down the road, you could see some of the Smart City sensors that are physically (and virtually) embedded in the Area X.O environment.

“You can see as we pull up, all of the sensors in the environment are visible. That kind of demonstrates what we’re able to do with this model,” he said.




Samei then moved on to programming an autonomous drone flight over one of the experimental farm fields that surround the Area X.O facility. For this portion of the demo, he utilized the Ansys STK toolkit – specifically designed for Digital Mission Engineering. You’ll recall Dr. Stoute spoke of this, and its ability to simulate entire systems – including ground stations, satellite communication, etc.

Samei defined the area of the field to be scanned, then “built” the quadcopter by selecting motors, battery, propellors – even the pitch of the blades.

“We end up with a very accurate model of a drone that reflects its actual performance,” he said.

He also programmed the altitude of the drone and the density of the scan – with passes over the field 400′ apart. With that and a few more clicks (all in real-time, which was pretty impressive to watch), he sent the drone off on its mission.

The virtual drone quickly scanned the desired area and returned to base with power to spare. Samei then plotted a more tightly focussed grid – lower altitude and more overlap, with grid passes 200′ apart – for greater data density. Then he send the quadcopter off again.

In this example, Samei was interested in whether the quadcopter could cover the scan with its existing power supply. He was also keen to learn if the ground station would be able to communicate with the drone throughout its mission. Both of these questions were answered in the affirmative without having to use a physical drone.

“We were able to verify the flight does not need more energy than the battery can provide,” he observed. “We can (also) see the minimum signal strength required – so indeed we are able to maintain consistent communication throughout the mission.”

That was impressive enough. But get this: The simulation software can even account for potential signal interference caused by buildings. And such flights – whether it’s a drone or a Cessna or a business jet – are not limited to Area X.O. Ansys STK has a database or pretty much anywhere on the planet.

“You can simulate your missions and flights over anywhere on earth,” said Samei.


Below: A screen capture during Samei Hossain’s real-time demo. Here, he’s configuring the technical parameters for a simulated quadcopter’s propulsion system

Area X.O Ansys simulator



The real-time demo was impressive. But it left one wondering: What kind of a computer do you need to make these kind of simulations actually work? Surely the computational power required exceeds what most of us carry around on our laptop.

And that’s true. But the good news is, the Area X.O simulator portal includes access to the precise kind of computer required.

“What we’re providing with our simulation services is access to our computers,” said Samei.

“We have the workstations necessary that have the computational power, the memory, that’s able to simulate these problems very fast. So it’s not necessary for the clients to have a supercomputer in order to run the simulations. We can take that 10-day simulation time down to 10 hours.”




If it wasn’t clear by now (and it surely was), the webinar wrapped with a reminder of why simulation is such a powerful and cost-effective tool for developers.

“We can do more different physics-based simulations such that you don’t have to build…expensive prototypes,” said Dr. Stoute. “People can actually imagine the wildest designs without any limitations. Having your wildest dreams imaginable.”

Engineer Hossain Samei also weighed in.

“One thing I really do believe in is: Knowledge is power,” he said.

“What simulation…lets us know (is) what’s going to happen and not suffer the consequences from actually having to make a product…and then find out: ‘Oops, I have a problem’. Simulation allows you to circumvent that and identify these issues before, where it’s easier to actually solve them.”




You can! Though the Area X.O simulation portal is ultimately a paid service, those interested in learning more can sign up for further free demos to get a better sense of what this resource is capable of delivering.

Sign up for free on this page.

If you thought you missed a cool demo, you did. But no worries, you can watch a replay of the entire webinar below:



The Ansys platform is acknowledged as the best simulation platform going. And with the expertise of Area X.O engineers Dr. Barry Stoute and Samei Hossain, we’re confident a solution can be tailored for pretty much any product operating in any environment.

“It’s a normal part of R&D to go through various iterations of products following real-world testing,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece. “And while products ultimately need to be tested in the real world prior to deployment, high-level simulation can save time, money – and mistakes.

“Even though our R&D hub is situated right at Area X.O, we plan on tapping into this powerful tool to analyze some of our products currently on the drawing board.”

If you’re interested in learning more about this new tool, drop Area X.O a line here


The case for micro-credentials in the RPAS world

The case for micro-credentials in the RPAS world

By Scott Simmie


The world of drones, as you likely know, changes rapidly.

In less than a decade, we’ve gone from the first DJI Phantom (which required an optional GoPro if you wanted images) – to highly sophisticated machines capable of BVLOS flights over 4G and 5G networks. Drones today have sophisticated obstacle avoidance, multiple sensors, and can be programmed to carry out missions autonomously. They routinely create digital twins, carry out volumetric calculations, and use specialised software for anomaly and change detection.

There are even devices designed for highly specific use-case scenarios, such as the innovative Voliro – built for non-destructive testing. Drones like this require highly specific training to operate.

In other words, drones are doing a lot more than capturing RGB images these days. Newer operations often involve complex planning, operations and data analysis. And that can mean pilot training above and beyond what’s currently required for a Transport Canada Advanced RPAS Certificate.

And so we pose the question: Has the time come for micro-credentials in the world of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)?

Below: A drone operated by Aerometrix. Its specialised sensor sniffs the air for methane and other gases. It requires specialised piloting and software skills.


The status quo


At the moment, there are two nationally-recognised certifications for drone pilots in Canada. They are the Basic and Advanced RPAS Certificates, issued by Transport Canada.

“Right now the only government certification that’s offered in the drone space is for certification – and there are about 7,000 other pilots out there with that same certificate,” says Kate Klassen, a traditional aircraft pilot and instructor, as well as InDro’s Chief Flight Instructor.

In other words, there’s not much out there to differentiate a pilot’s skills; an RPAS Certificate, though useful, only tells us so much.

“It doesn’t cover the more specialized use-cases and skill sets that are needed to be hired for those really complex jobs. Until there are other recognised drone-specific knowledge certifications that you could point back to to beef up your resume, it will be challenging for those doing the hiring – and those wanting to be hired – to know what they’re getting and what’s needed.”

As a result, some pilots seeking more advanced skills (and jobs), can find themselves in what Klassen calls a “Catch-22.” How can you land jobs where you might learn some of those critical new skills if the employer won’t hire you because you don’t currently have them?

“The solution there,” says Klassen, “is additional training and credentials.”


The case for micro-credentials


The kind of training and credentials referred to above can be taught with brief but highly focussed courses – leading to “micro-credentials.” These badges of approval would be recognised by others in the industry.

And in fact, this is organically taking place already. At the British Columbia Institute for Technology, RPAS Operations Head Dr. Eric Saczuk has created and instructed two different micro-credential courses. Right now, he’s teaching “Drone Applications for an Environmental Risk Assessment.” Knowledge includes how to conduct a site survey and plan a mission, along with how to process colour, multi-spectral, and thermal drone images into data sets.

“Micro-credentials are focused, relatively short courses designed to give students access to specific, job-ready skills related to a particular industry,” says Dr. Saczuk, who has a PhD in Remote Sensing. He also sees a growing need for these courses as use-cases, technology and software become ever more specialised.

Obtaining a micro-credential (MC), says Dr. Saczuk, is beneficial both to drone operators and those doing the hiring for complex jobs.

“Having a micro-credential on your resume has the advantage of indicating to your potential employer that you are serious about continuing to upgrade and update your skills, learn new techniques, and invest in your professional development,” he says.

“It shows that you’re actively staying on top of the latest advances in your field and not just resting on your previous credentials. Speaking of which, one of the best advantages of MCs is that they are designed to ladder to other credentials such as Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees.”

Below: Dr. Eric Saczuk, who is also the Flight Operations Lead at InDro Robotics, carries out a complex drone operation for a client in Saudi Arabia. Specialised jobs require specialised skills.



Wayfinder Drone



Here’s the thing. Many drone operators who would like to up their skills are already working and it would be difficult – if not impossible – to attend a full-time or time-consuming course. In the case of BCIT, the course is designed specifically for those kind of people. The bulk of the instruction is online, with three 90-minute sessions during the work week and in-person skills instruction on Saturdays. One Micro-credential badge is earned every week for specific skills; the entire course is completed in four weeks.

“Generally, students LOVE the micro credential course!” says Dr. Saczuk.

“It doesn’t take up much of their busy day – remember, these students are usually working full- or part-time or have many other things on the go, so they don’t want you to waste their time – and we get right into the thick of it.”

Having already created two full courses, Dr. Saczuk is already looking ahead to developing more.

“I can envision developing future courses delving into high-precision photogrammetry using real-time kinematic positioning and ground control points,” he says.

“Another one could be tailored to First-Responders, disaster monitoring and/or search-and-rescue. We could put one together focusing solely on the use of thermal imagery to building envelope inspection or how to use multi-spectral imagery to map invasive species…as you can tell, there’s no limit to where this technology can be useful!”





Drones aren’t the only arena where MCs would be useful. A similar technological evolution has been taking place in the world of Uncrewed Ground Vehicles (UGVs), or ground robots. Remote teleoperations, thermal sensing, digital twins and more are now routine tasks for UGVs. In fact, construction is underway for a high-end training and testing facility at Area X.O. It’s designed to current NIST standards for evaluation and training and will be operated by InDro Robotics. (You can read more about the forthcoming facility in this post.)

Below: A CGI video of the new drone and robot advanced testing and training facility. Construction is underway, with a planned opening date of June, 2023





Well, hopefully more micro-credential courses – and a growing number of higher education facilities offering them. But how to ensure that these MC courses produce pilots (and robot operators) with more or less equal skills?

Dr. Saczuk says currently, it’s up to the creator of the course to build the curriculum. He believes this system is working well, and that core skills will be similar from institution to institution.

“I have seen other courses taught by other institutions and organization about the same topic – say thermal image analysis) and they cover very much the same topics I do in that badge,” he says.

“I feel like if the authors and instructors are fully knowledgeable in the subject, the chances of the courses being standardized is pretty high without any external framework. Perhaps this is not the best approach, but it’s just what I’ve observed from my experience.”

InDro’s Kate Klassen, one of Canada’s most experienced online drone trainers and the creator of the online drone training portal FLYY, believes there’s room for some form of standardisation. This would ensure that those earning MC badges all learn a uniform skill set.

“I see it as a set of standards, much like how the pilot certification standards are set out in TP 15263 from Transport Canada, that professionals and academics in that industry niche establish,” she says.

“There could be flexibility in what those standards require. Some might be able to be taught online or in a classroom where others will need to be an in-person skill demonstration or working with a dataset to produce specific results. At the end, graduates would receive a traceable, validated and recognized credential they can use to set themselves apart.”


Below: Those operating robots, like drones, could benefit from specialised training


InDro Robotics

InDro’s TAKE


InDro Robotics was one of the earliest Canadian companies to enter the RPAS space. In addition to our Research and Development, we’ve long been involved with training. Some of that training has been tailored for First Responders and other specialized drone operations. We take training – both internally and externally – *very* seriously.

And we believe the case for more widespread micro-credentials, along with standardisation, is the way forward.

“Drones are much more than flying cameras these days,” says InDro Robotics CEO Philip Reece. “And ground robots have become equally sophisticated. Micro-credentials can ensure that operators are not only competent, but able to fully exploit the capabilities of these devices.

“With the new facility at Area X.O coming online soon, InDro will be exploring the possibility of offering micro-credentials as part of our specialised training.”

Oh. And if you’re looking to obtain your Transport Canada Basic or Advanced RPAS Certificate, look no farther than Kate Klassen’s excellent FLYY.


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