The AgileX LIMO is an innovative multi modal ROS robot that is compact, and customizable with Al modules and open-source ROS packages, which enables education, researchers and enthusiasts to program and develop Al robots more efficiently. Boston University uses LIMO for research >
ROS Robot
agilex robots
key benefits of the agilex limo robot
highly customizable
The modular design makes the LIMO platform highly customizable and it can be configured for a variety of applications in different industries.
Advanced sensing
The platform is equipped with advanced sensors and perception technologies that enable it to navigate and interact with its environment.
user-friendly interface
Designed with a user-friendly interface, LIMO makes it easy for operators to control and monitor its activities.
robotic innovations
boston university
uses limo for research
robotic innovations
What will the Smart Cities of the future look like?
More specifically, how will the many anticipated devices operate – and cooperate – in this coming world? How will connected and autonomous vehicles interact to ensure the greatest efficiency with minimal risk? How might ground robots and drones fit into this scheme? And how can researchers even test algorithms without a fleet of connected vehicles, which would obviously incur great costs and require huge testing areas?
In the case of Boston University, the answer is in the small but powerful robot, LIMO.


robot operating system
ROS support enables autonomous driving development, 3D SLAM & navigation as well as easy integration with additional sensors.

gazebo simulation
Gazebo offers the ability to accurately and efficiently simulate robots in complex indoor and outdoor environments. LEARN MORE >

LIMO robot
simulation table
Accelerate the development and deployment of your robotic systems with a safe, cost-effective, and flexible testing environment within the LIMO simulation table. Identify and address potential issues early on, for more reliable and efficient robots in the field. LEARN MORE >
limo technical drawings
robot development kits

247mm high

322mm long

215mm wide
limo specifications

documentation and downloads
seamless integration with
indro and limo

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