robot news and
indro robotics updates
Percepto’s autonomous drone-in-a-box
By Scott Simmie, InDro Robotics If you're in the drone industry, you've likely heard the phrase: "Drone-in-a-box." If refers to an autonomous system where a drone nests inside an enclosure for charging and safe harbour – and is regularly dispatched for...
Human lungs transported by drone in Toronto: A global first
By Scott Simmie, InDro Robotics In a world first, a set of human lungs has been transported between two hospitals by drone. It happened in Toronto September 25, with the drone carrying the organs on a six-minute flight between Toronto Western Hospital and...
InDro Robotics drone detection system produces results at Ottawa International Airport
Drone detection pilot program at Ottawa airport produces results
InDro Robotics, Rogers make first drone / RPAS flight in Canada using 5G network
InDro Robotics has flown two drone missions utilizing a Rogers 5G network – another important Canadian first. The flights took place at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in April, 2021. This milestone demonstrated potential future applications of 5G-enabled...
InDro Robotics proud to announce partnership with leading robot chassis manufacturer AgileX Robotics
InDro Robotics has partnered with best-in-class robot manufactures, AgileX Robotics. Founded in 2016, AgileX Robotics is a leading robot chassis manufacturer and mobile robot system solution provider in China. AgileX Robotics has developed mobile robot chassis...
InDro Robotics delivers COVID-19 tests by drone in B.C.
Throughout 2020, healthcare providers of Penelakut Island in British Columbia, Canada, were challenged with a very difficult situation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a single ferry boat was accessible between the island and the nearest medical lab located in...
InDro Robotics inspects transmission power lines on private LTE network with NYPA and Nokia
In partnership with Nokia and the New York Power Authority (NYPA), InDro Robotics ran a highly successful demonstration with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), or drones, that were installed with private LTE wireless technology. The first-of-its-kind, InDro...
September 2019, Indro Robotics leads successful delivery of simulated blood products to Montreal Gen
September 2019, Indro Robotics leads successful delivery of simulated blood products to Montreal General HospitalIn a groundbreaking trial, InDro Robotics, a global leader in drone technology, tested their unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights in downtown Montreal on...
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